Friday, February 20, 2009

What was now found!

Unbelievable. We looked and looked for those glasses and finally gave up. I was going to go in today and order the new ones --- and dish out the $204 for them. (yes carrie...i know about the website to get glasses for $15bucks from Japan)

Well, last night I couldn't sleep. I just KNEW those glasses were somewhere in this house. Well wouldn't you know it. I found the little buggers. When I told Em this morning where I'd found them she was excited (i was worried she'd be upset since she LOVES the new Jalopenos - Bananarama frames she'd picked out last week) and she said....'oh ya! i remember now!' Ugh! She couldn't have remembered that a week or two or three ago?

Anyway, so she's got her glasses back and I didn't have to order the Jalopenos ones after all....but I still plan to - in a couple weeks when I have the cash to spare. It definately won't hurt to have a 2nd pair. Since her prescription changed slightly too, I guess I'll have to get new lenses for these ones as well. And again I say...she couldn't have remembered a week or two or three ago?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Circle of Consumer Life

Okay so we are going to take a left turn here and I'm going to pretend I know a damn thing about politics, economics and consumerism. My experience with these 3 things is strictly from a personal perspective.

I admit, the announcement by the Federal Government on the tax credit for home renovations sparked my interest. I was briefly excited about the program for 'damn this house needs a whole lot of work' reasons and this program is totally user-friendly unlike the the Natural Resources ecoENERGY program and Manitoba Hydro's PowerSmart program. No pre-retrofit assessments (that cost money). No post-retrofit assessments (that cost more money). No taking your chances on just how much of a refund you would get based on how well those assessment show you improved your energy efficiency. With this tax credit program you just keep your receipts. Easy-Peasy! Ya except just like the other two programs I've been foiled again. Squatters don't count. Homeownership is key. There isn't even the option of having the homeowner (my father-in-law) apply on our behalf like with the other two programs - Not that THAT plan panned out anyway. Heck, we still can't even convince him to get us a freakin $50 building permit do you really think if I gave him the paperwork for an incentive program he'd help us out. *sigh* Of course, with our limited income (limited.....bordering on none) we don't have the money to do much in the way of renos right now anyway but that's besides the point.

That being said, I want to talk about some comments I've read recently about this tax credit. Boy people are critical just for the sake of being critical. Maybe I'm just not politically savy but I don't see how this tax credit program is anything but good. Sure it's definately going to benifit the middle/high income earners that can afford to renovate more than it will the low income earners who are just trying to make ends meet nevermind renovate. You can't please (or give tax credits) to everyone. It's a diverse world. Not everyone fits into the same catagory. Sucks but it's true. And face it, many many tax breaks do target lower income people over those with a higher income. So this one doesn't. Oh well.

Some critics are complaining that this is just a make-work, band-aid solution. I'm not seeing a problem with this. Is giving people an incentive to start projects that they were on the fence about doing because of the state of the economy and thereby making work (manufacturing of products, retail sales of said products, labour to install said products) a bad thing? Seems to me a band-aid placed over a cut, temporarily protects the cut while the body has a chance to heal itself. Again, not seeing a problem with providing temporary help while the economy heals.

Consumerism is a circle of life and if it takes some incentive to help those with the financial means to spend some money at a time when the economy is weak then how can that be a bad thing. When people spend money, that inturn helps businesses thrive which keeps more people employed. Employed people are more likely to turn around and spend money than unemployed people (funny how that works) which inturn helps other businesses thrive . This increases the demand for more product keeping even more people employed and able to contribute to the circle of consumerism. Profound thoughts huh.

Lets explore this in a story shall we.

Mary Middle Income earner is on the fence about renovating her
bathroom. She's been wanting to but geesh....the economy sucks so maybe
she shouldn't. But wait. The government is willing to give her
a tax break if she does it now. So she hires Craig the
Contractor to come and pretty-up her bathroom.

Craig the Contractor is stoked. He doesn't have to lay off Andy his
Assistant and together the two of them get to work on Mary's "make-work"
reno project.

Craig goes to Harry's Hardware store and orders his supplies.
Harry's thrilled to see him (and all the other contractors and do-it-yourselfers
who've been in shopping lately too). Harry's employees are still employees
(guess what they do with their paycheques....they BUY STUFF is what they
do) and his suppliers will be happy to hear from him when he
needs to restock his shelves (because guess what...they have employees

Craig the Contractor finishes up Mary's bathroom
reno. Mary gladly pays him for his time and supplies and
receives her receipts.

Craig cashes Mary's cheque and pays Andy the Assistant for all his
hard work. Craig the Contractor is still in
business. Andy's wife is thrilled Andy still has a job.
They both have money to put back into the circle of consumerism
thereby keeping other people employed in the process.

When Mary does her taxes next year she'll get a sweet little tax credit and
maybe just maybe she'll get a bit of a tax refund and go shopping (maybe she'll
buy some scrapbooking supplies from me as a could's my
story dammit and I can make Mary buy whatever I want!)

What a great story!

The only sad part of this story is that Craig the Contrator made
one heck of a mess while doing the reno and he had to haul the debris to the
dump himself because he couldn't find anywhere to rent a garbage bin.


Because - Al the Garbage Man was put out of business by his own local
politicians. Their inability to see the big picture of the circle of
consumerism ended up screwing him....(and hopefully themselves in the process -
they are going to have to try and be re-elected eventually...good luck with
that!) Al the Garbage Man is struggling. Guess who can't
afford to renovate his house? Guess who isn't contributing much
to the circle of consumerism? Sometimes the circle of life...and!

The purpose of this post was originally as a whine about how I was not going to be able to benifit from this program because of not owning the house. Then it became a commentary about all the critisim I'd read about the program while I was looking for clarification on whether we had to be the homeowner or not. Some where along the way I realized that I'm a little bummed that I won't be benifiting from this program in a totally different way. After receiving a phonecall from a customer yesterday, looking to rent a bin for their contruction debris, it dawned on me. We potentially could have seen some spin off from this program by providing debris removal services for those people who so decide to renovate this year. This program could have been a big 'make-work band-aid' for us. Too bad somebody grabbed the edge of that band-aid and gave it a good pull. It stings a little.....but we'll survive.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

the post where my head spins around and then explodes

I'm literally vibrating right now. I'm dizzy my head is spinning so fast and I think my blood pressure just sky-rocketed and blew the top of my head right off.

That Girl! That Girl! She just exasperates me to the end of my sanity!

I'm feeling entirely embarassed right now and feel the need to phone my friend (hope she's still my friend) Joy in the morning and appologize repeately for the actions of my 16 year old daughter tonight.......who might not make it to 17 if she makes me any more crazy! Heck she might not make it to see the light of day.

Now I get that parenting a teen is in no way easy but seriously I'm at a loss. Parenting a teen is one thing. Parenting a teen who lives on a totally different wave length and learning curve is an entirely different bag of marbles. I think I dropped my marbles. Excuse me while I go round them up.


I'm sure I missed a few but I'm back.

Let's talk about telephone ettiquette and more importantly a lack thereof, shall we.

Last year the school resource coordinator suggested providing instruction on basic skills such as how to look up numbers in the phone book. I used my Power of Veto on that suggestion and I had my reasons.

I'll put this bluntly and it probably wont' be 'politically correct' but my daughter has stalker tendancies with no concept of ettiquette. Just because you know someone and somehow have their phone number doesn't mean you have to call them - especially without a reason. Yes, learning to properly use a phone book is a good skill to have....but not before you've mastered the ettiquette of using a telephone properly or any ettiquette really- stalking people makes them uncomfortable. We were still working on face to face social ettiquette never-mind over the phone. Baby Steps!

Up until recently, the telephone is.....well..... it's been off limits. As in don't touch it. Ever. Without permission. And since asking for permission to do things is not what The Girl does best.....we took to hiding the phones *don't judge me.....the need for survival (of one's sanity) leads you to ideas that might not be great but get you through. We were picking our battles at that time and learning phone ettiquette wasn't high on the battle plan. The past 6 months though she'd matured a bit and now has a few friends and a *gasp, choke* The Boyfriend so using the telephone is something that, as a teenager, shouldn't be denied to her - that and since she has free access to the phone at school (don't even ask. that's a battle in itself) we've had no choice but to address the situation and meet it head on. Besides - the girl can sniff out a hidden phone (2 cordless and 3 cell phones in our house) with the determination of a bloodhound on a hot trail and if you let your guard down for a minute she'll scoop up a phone and disappear.

Oh look





.the cat found another marble




.and is batting it around the dining room.

Now where were we. Oh yes. Telephone Ettiquette and My Blood Pressure.

In hindsight I wish we'd stuck to the original battle plan and veto'd the whole damn idea because I think we've taught her telephone skills in the wrong order. Who, What, Where, When, Why and How. The HOW is last on that list.....for a very good reason. Dang. Too late to unlearn the How now. It's the one skill she picked up easily. The rest is a crap-shoot.

These are some of the things we have been working on.

WHO: Who do you call.? You can't just call anyone. Just because you know them and have their number doesn't mean you can or should call them (other kids from school that I know don't really want to talk to her). Don't call other people looking for mom or dad. If they didn't answer when you called them - too bad!

WHAT & WHERE: What phone are you using to call from and where is the person you are calling? Cell phone minutes cost money. Long distance is SO not an option except with parental supervision (one of her friends moved away so it's an
occasional treat...and that phone number is well hidden - bloodhounds couldn't even find it) and for a brief amount of time. Don't call someone at work - mom & dad are busy working and other people's boss might not like them getting calls at work so don't do it.

WHEN: (Similar to where) When do you call someone?- Don't call mom & dad while they are at work. They are WORKING! You may call home from school while on a break or at lunch but not during class time. You may call mom when she is out to ask permission to do something - I'd rather you ask permission than do something you aren't allowed (but DON'T call to ask me something I've already told you that you can't do)

WHY: Why are you calling? You need a reason to call someone. Think about what you are going to ask or tell the person BEFORE you dial. Is this something important that cannot wait until you see them?

HOW: Knowing what number you are dialing and the basic skills of dialing properly.

I thought it was a pretty good list of the Do's and Do NOT's. I was wrong. Way Wrong. This past week has proven that I've missed some key points and there is much work to do to reinforce the ones I've thought of. Some examples that lead me to this ephiphany:

We need to reinforce all the rules about calling mom & dad (and
others) at work. You don't call mom and dad at work while you are at home
because schools are closed due to an ice storm to ask (repeatedly) when
they will be home because I don't know when we will be home and I told you
that the FIRST time you called. Also, don't call any of the other
staff members when mom or dad stop answering their phones to ask them why
we aren't answering our phones.

We need to reinforce the "one phone call" rule and add what to
do if there is no answer and when it is appropriate to call
back later. When someone (The Boyfriend) doesn't
answer their cell phone after you've called over and over and over
again 8 times in under a minute and then call his parents house
and when he answers yell at him for not answering his cell (that's
just plain rude and has nothing to do with phone ettiquette) AND to begin with
you shouldn't be calling repeatedly over and over and over.

And that leads us to what made my head spin around and explode tonight

We definately need to expand the "when to call" rules to include time of
day because..




you DO NOT EVER call someone such as The Boyfriend at his parents house or on
his cell at 10:45 at night!!!!! I thought she'd gone to bed but infact she was sitting in the living room watching the hockey game (which was fine). Then I heard her voice asking if The Boyfriend was there. I'm not lying when I say my head spun around and my blood pressure spiked dangerously high. I'm sure whoever answered the phone could hear me screaming at her from across the house --- and I'll bet the
neighbours 1/4 mile away heard me too.

If you call me in the next little while and I don't answer - it's not because I'm screening calls (unless of course I owe you ooodles of which case I probably am screening your call) it's because both cordless phones and all three cell phones are locked in the safety deposit box and I can't get it unlocked fast enough to answer.

As for what to do about The Girl. You got me, cuz she doesn't seem to have a clue why my blood pressure is so high I'm dizzy.






another marble!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Just kick me already. I know you wanna

From Rodney Atkins song - If You're Going Through Hell (Before the Devil Even Knows)

Well you know those times
When you feel like there's a sign there on your back
Say's I don't mind if ya kick me
Seems like everybody has
Things go from bad to worse
You'd think they can't get worse than that
And then they do

If you're going through hell
Keep on going, Don't slow down
If you're scared, don't show it
You might get out
Before the devil even knows you're there

This song was on the radio yesterday and I felt like hey....they're playing my song .
I'm trying damn hard to move fast and get outta hell before someone else kicks me in the ass. Yesterday, I didn't move fast enough.

With Emily loosing her glasses a few weeks ago, I had to call and make an appointment to have her eyes checked and new glasses ordered. I just couldn't put it off any longer. Well, since Al & I received 'friendly reminders' in the mail at the end of the year that 'it had been awhile' (2004 to be exact) since we'd had our eyes check I figured might as well make appointments for everyone. Yesterday Emily, Al and I went for our appointments. Good news - Al and I are still just as eye-glass dependant as always but don't need any changes to our prescriptions. Score! His glasses are still in good shape and I managed to get replacement frames for my beloved yet discontinued frames last year when I broke them so we were good to go.

Emily's tests showed that in fact her eyes are improving a bit and her new prescription will actually be a little weaker than her old one so it's not like I'm buying the exact same thing that we'd lost so again - not a bad thing. She's kind of in that inbetween stage - doesn't fit kids sized frames but adult ones are still a bit big on her face so it took some work (although not as much as it did 2yrs ago) to find frames that looked good on her. I actually cringed when I saw the ones she fell in love with but in all honesty they are cute and funky and suit her face shape so perfectly. I can't even being to describe them so a picture will be necessary when she gets them.....and I'm hoping we eventually find her old ones (in one piece) and I can just get new lenses put in them so she'll have a not-so-funky pair as a spare. I also cringed at the amount of money these little beauties are going to cost me. $204 buckeroos. Ouch. We still have insurance for a little while longer so at least I'll get a good portion of that back but still we have to dish out the money first and then submit the bill to the insurance company. Won't be able to do that till next week so my poor girl is suffering with sore eyes for a little longer than she should have to. I feel like a bad mom for that!

So with that sting fresh in my mind I am then presented with the bill for the cost of the eye exams for Al and I. HUH? Dang am I an idiot. Never once did I think there was a charge for this. In my mind Manitoba Health still covered eye exams every 2 years and on this I was sadly mistaken (it was changed in 1996....i know because i've been looking for this information all day because it was bugging me. apparently i paid for eye exams in '04 and just forgot. doh!) They only cover exams for children under 19 and people over 65 - of which Al and I are neither. So I maintain my composure at the charge of $65 EACH and quickly walk across the street to the bank where I am forced to borrow money from my son's bank account. And again I feel like a bad mom! I return to the office and pay the bill, still maintaining my composure, then walk out to the van where I sit and have a really good cry.

I'm feeling *Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!* for my extremely poor timing of an extremely un-necessary expense.

In 2 weeks I take the other 3 kids in for their appointment and I'm happy to report they are all still in that under 19 age bracket so at least I won't have to pay for them. Now, these 3 are not previously diagnosed as being optically challenged (if you don't count the elder boys' issues with the colours of the crayons in the box) but with my luck, the kick me sign will still be taped to my back and one or more of the little darlings will require glasses. Oh I hope not!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's Baby Day! It's Baby Day!

We are waiting by the phone to hear the news. The newest member of the family is arriving today and that phone call can't come soon enough.

Al's sister Sue and her hubby Grant were to be at the hospital at 6am this morning for their scheduled C-Section at 7:30... or 7:45 depending on who you ask. It's now 9:45 and we are waiting by the phone to hear that their sweet little girl has arrived safe and sound and healthy.

Al called his mom this morning to ask her a question and she yelled at him "You're NOT Grant!" . He called back a little later to ask another question. I think at this point I'm going to hide the phone from him so he stops teasing his poor mother.

***Edited to excitedly add we got the call just after 10am***

She's here! She's here! *edited baby's name....i was misinformed about her middle names*

Sarah Christine Janet Hjorleifson
sweet daughter of Susan & Grant
baby sister of Luke

is finally HERE!

No pictures or other details yet (and I hope i spelled her name right) but you know when I have em I will post em.

On a side note - here's a little "on the day you were born / this day in history" trivia.

21 years ago today, on Friday February 12, 1988...... Baby Sarah's Uncle Alan
asked Baby Sarah's Aunty Kirsten out on their very first date. And now Aunty
Kirsten feels really really OLD cuz that was a really really long time ago!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

And the rain came falling down --- in February!

and on a Monday of course - cuz that's the way Murphy's Law works in my world. Crap happens on garbage day.

Now I know this whole 'school's closed because of freezing rain' happens to a lot of people quite often but here in our part of Manitoba where the roads are relatively flat - it just isn't that common. The occasional 'snow-day' causes closures and more often we have a 'wind-chill' days but even those are rare. That magic 'wind-chill' number seems to have quite a variable and most of the time we miss it by a degree and really the wind-chill doesn't make you housebound, just cautious. You can still get to the store or appointments or to work - you just have to bundle up. Ice - totally not something we are that familiar with so it's been a wild ride baby.

So Monday the kids stayed home and stupidly we took the trucks out and made our way to Winnipeg Beach and stupidly spent nerve-wracking hours doing our job. At one point early in the day we really thought of calling the whole thing off but a) we were already there and b) things weren't going to get any better over the next few days and more likely would get worse, so we sucked it up and finished the day And we got it done I'm proud to say. And we didn't damage anyone (like me...I was so scared I'd fall - again - and hurt my wrists - again) or put any trucks in the ditch (like 'the other guys' did....which made us laugh in a cosmic, karma is a bitch kind of way) and we all made it safely back to the yard in pretty decent time too. For the record 3-ton trucks don't like to only go 20km/h on ice and the back end kept trying to get ahead of the front end and fishtailing that much truck sure ain't fun but I'm so proud of Shelley for keeping things together and getting us there and back safely. That girl is amazing!

And now that we've been there/done that, once is enough and we now have a new policy in place " Freezing Rain=Not leaving the Yard". We safely made it home from work without incident once but are not willing to temp fate a second time.

Watching the news Monday night also brought about a 'what were we thinking' moment when they showed that all garbage service in the city was suspended and if your pick up day was yesterday then you had to wait till next week. Geesh - why didn't we think of that. Al says when he talked to the foreman in the beach Monday morning he seemed surprised to see us there at all so maybe we could have just not gone....but being a contractor you just don't know where you stand in making decissions like that. 7 more weeks.

It's now Tuesday and again the schools are closed due to icy highway/road conditions. Wondering how long this will last. I don't see that ice disappearing by tomorrow morning. This could get old - fast. Oh wait. It already has. Not that I mind having the kids home in theory but they are getting sick of spending so much time with eachother and the nattering and bickering is getting to me. Aarica's routine has been messed with and she's obsessing about everything and Emily's sulking is where Emily likes to be and she had things to do and people to see. The boys - well - they coudn't care less. Ty's in his glory watching all the shows on the History Channel that he never gets to see and Owen's never going to want to go back to school at this rate since he's on his 2nd week home (spent last week home sick). Al took off to town (slowly) this morning for a dentist appointment and to get us some much needed milk and bread - oh and cream for my coffee and smokes. The last thing any of these people want is to be locked in a house for a couple days with me out of smokes. Nobody'd make it out alive.

Monday, February 09, 2009

The proof is in the 'ah-ha' moment

For those of you (like the 3 whole people that actually stop by and read this neglected little ramble-factory I call my blog) that have been around awhile, you might remember this little post from July about little red magic beans. Well it's been 6 months since The Girl started on these little darlings and while there's never been any question that they help....oh baby do they help, I've found myself wondering lately just how much they help. You see time has a way of making you forget things. *Stop snickering! I know I can't remember a damn thing at the best of times to begin with but seriously. After a few months, the 'new norm' kind of took over and we'd pretty much put the past behind us (or more likely blocked the horrific memories from all consious thought to save our sanity).

Anyway...I'm rambling...see aren't you glad you stopped by.

Anyway the new norm ain't all sugar and spice. The Girl is still a teenager and oh boy she's doing that with flair but we've been wondering just how different life was back then. Well. I have to tell you. We got a decent dose of just what life used to be recently and I can't believe it took me almost a full day to have that ah-ha moment and realize what was going on. While I was on pox-induced quarentine with Miss Em a couple weeks ago, Al took the rest of the herd...I mean family, out to Malanka (Ukrainain New Year Celebration for those not in the know) and they did not get home until sometime around 1am. Now normally The Girl is absolutely obsessive (it can be a good thing) about taking her meds. She's got this internal alarm clock and she knows when it's 9:00 and each night she responsibly takes her little red magic bean. It's really become such routine that I rarely double check that she's taken it and only need to monitor her pill box a couple times a week, refill it once a week and keep tabs on when to refill the prescription etc. *Note to self....hey better get that prescription refill from the pharmacy this week. Even when we've been out in the evenings, the first thing she does when we get home and she's getting ready for bed is take her meds. can already figure out where this is going and really, if I was reading it like you are now I'd have seen it too. But that's not the way things work so it took till 9pm the NEXT night - a full 24hours past due for her meds for me to have my light-bulb, ah-ha, how could I be so stupid moment.

That Sunday was by far the most aggrivating day we've had in a long time. Sheer misery was had by all that day. Nobody was immune. Everyone at some point got a taste of it. Short-temper. Impulsive. Crash and burn mood swings and flat out mean-ness. She couldnt' keep her hands to herself or her mouth from getting her into trouble. It was brutal. To the point where Miss Em, who was starting to feel the 'crash and burn' of the pox and had little patience and lots of tears, packed up her personal belongings and moved out of the room she's been sharing with her sister and moved in with her brothers. "It was worth the risk" she told me later (if you could see the boys' room you'd understand the huge risk she was taking -especially not having a HazMat suit).

We'd assumed Em's lack of patience & tears were more from the pox and itching and Em herself not feeling well but in hindsight, I think she'd have bailed anyway because the day was just THAT BAD. And it just didn't click until later than night, while I was out having coffee with Carrie and was able to decompress and actually string a few thoughts together and talk to another adult without the stress of everything going on a home around me that I thought.....I'll bet she didn't take her meds last night. Sure enough - I got home and went straight to her pill box and the Saturday compartment still had that tiny little red bean in it. So while this little impromptu experiment wasn't exactly scientifically well executed, it sure does reinforce just how much those little beans help not only The Girl...but everyone who comes within striking distance of her. Been along while since we had a 'Duck and Cover' day in our house and I truely don't miss them. Now if only there was a magical cure for teenagers. I have two of them and there ain't enough Merlot in the cupboard some days baby!

*** Oh...and we haven't seen Em's glasses since that Sunday she 'moved out'. It's been over 2 weeks and I just don't hold much hope for finding the glasses (in one piece at least) so it looks like I'll need to buy The Princess a new pair. Grrrrr Pretty expensive 'science experiment' if you ask me.