The persuit of creativity (at least on my part) is put on hold. *sigh* but it's a good thing, really it is. This weekend we are on the road, heading to a dance competiton - creativity for my children. The kids are all excited - even the ones that aren't dancing. I think it has something to do with staying in a hotel and swimming in a pool. LOL My creativity will be in the form of packing, making sure all costumes are together and getting the 6 of us out the door tomorrow at a decent time. Saturday morning is going to be a tough one. Em's session is at 8am which means I'm going to have to be creative in getting her to sleep early and then getting her out of bed early enough to braid her hair and get her ready and to the theatre on time. Ty's the lucky one in all this. He doesn't dance until late Sunday morning and again Sunday afternoon and as a boy, won't be tortured with having his hair twisted and pulled and pinned to the back of his head. The picture on the left is from last year's competition in Dauphin. I must remember to get fresh batteries for the digital so I don't end up with fuzzy, grainy pics again this year. Last year we were 'competition rookies' since it was both kids' first year dancing. Actually Ty had only been dancing for about 8weeks. He was called by the instructor (a friend of ours) and asked if he would dance for a neighbouring town's club when one of their boys got hurt in late January. He's now hooked and dancing with our own club and loving it. Was there any question Em would love dancing? Nope. Looks like my career as a 'dancing mom' is going to be a long one.....but as long as I take better pics than in the past - I won't complain. All the more material to use for my own creativity (not that I've scrapped one single dancing page for either kid yet *gasp*).
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