Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Dont' BUG me. I'm busy!

Spring brings about all sorts of little bugs, both good and bad, and I guess it depends on your perspective which category each falls into.

There are the *germy bugs* that seem to be floating around and while any sane person would say these are most definitely a bad thing, if you look at it as a reason to lay on the couch watching movies because you just don't feel 100% then it's not so bad. Honestly though - I could do with a little less snot and such around the house. Everyone is taking turns complaining about sore throats and having the sniffles/cough. Ironic, yet not surprising, is the fact that the ONLY person to test positive for Strep was the one that did not have complain of a sore throat. His only 'symptom' was a 3 day fever with pitiful looking basset hound eyes and extreme lethargy (translation...he was whiny and clingy) - not something our family doc was concerned about and I'm sure he only took a swab to humor me. Ha Ha. Who got the last laugh on that one. Anyone else with a disgusting looking throat and just generally feeling icky tested negative. Natch. I hate germies....they always make me look like an idiot at the doctors office.

Then there is the *spring cleaning bug*. Cleaning wouldn't be considered a plus on my part normally. Though I like things clean, I tend to overdo it in a frenzy and then regret it when I can't move for 3 days. Right now I'm in the anxious part of this bug cycle. I want things cleaned, purged, de-cluttered. I just don't have the time or energy right at the moment to do anything about it which is making me slightly edgy. Its on my list of bugs to deal with soon though....once I get rid of the snot clogging up my mind so I can think clearly. On this note the *spring cleaning bug* seems to dwell well with the *home reno bug*. I've been told that termites can do a number on a house when they infest....but I've been given strict instructions that I cannot search online and buy a box of termites off ebay or some other such place. Personally, I think they would take care of a whole lot of my housing/spring cleaning issues right quickly. The idea has been vetoed though, so I guess I'm on my own. Drat!

There's the *creativity bug* that bit me hard a couple weeks ago and I actually got some scrapping done. Woohoo! I like this bug - a lot. I just wish everyone would stop 'bugging' me so I could spend some quality time with it. Again the germy bug is a factor in this one. Snot and creativity don't mix well.

The *blogging bug* of course has bit me, which seems quite obvious since I'm here. This seemed like the easiest 'bug' to deal with today. Although not so easy as I had to wrestle with creating a new Google account so I could transfer my blogger account to it. So, even though blogging is not something I should be doing as I have so many other things with higher priorities on my todo list today, it is the one thing that's been eating at me for a couple days and I figured the best thing to do is embrace it so I can move on to other things. There is actually a reason I've been bitten by the need to blog again. I've been drafting some blog posts about the events that led up to this and they are on my newly created list of blog topics to write about. I've got good intentions about blogging often so they should be posted soon.

Probably my least favorite bug right now is the *sibling bug* This one is nasty and shows no sign of leaving my house anytime soon although the spring factor seems to be exaggerating the infestation. Spring Break - mano-y-mano, quality time with the whole family home isn't always a good thing. Tensions are high and while nobody was thrilled to be going back to school this week.....I sure was, for a little peace and quiet. Although in retrospect, sibling incompatibility spread out through out the day seems a little easier to deal with than the influx of miserable that seems to well up in them all day while at school and explodes outward the moment they walk through the back door at 4:00. It's almost like they get home and realize....'oh yeah....YOU live here too!' The fact that the other children dare to exist seems to weigh heavily with some members of the sibling population around here. Not fun...and a *bug* I could do without. Anyone know any exterminators?

In a nutshell, those are my *spring bugs*. Right now I have the youngest of the sibling population at home with me today. He's taking a 'mental health day' as he absolutely refused to go to Kindergarden this morning. Not something I normally give in to but he was a cranky, whiny little thing last night, fell asleep on the way home from daycare and then wouldn't sleep last night. He was a sack of joy this morning and I figured better a day at home with me...and no siblings....so he can decompress, than to send a truly miserable 5 year old to school for his wonderful teacher to deal with along with 20 other kids. Also, he's been complaining about a certain kid in his class that's causing grief. "I don't want to go to school. *B* is always bugging me. " There's that *buggy* word again. I guess everyone's entitled to avoid dealing with *bugs* once in awhile and luckily I have a parent conference coming up and the issue will need to be addressed.

Off to see what my cute little bug is up to.....maybe he can distract me a little longer from my todo list for today. Procrastination is an art form.
~ K

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