Saturday, June 30, 2012

So I've Fallen In Love

With a zippy little thing.

She's brand spanking new.

All shiney and black.

Took her for a test drive and absolutely fell in love.

I spend on average 15 hours a week in my van.

I really don't mind commuting at all but this little beauty would make it a lot sweeter.....especially when it comes to fuel consumption.

Al asked if I wanted to go in and talk to Carla to see what it would take to make her mine.

I said NO (and pouted a little) and we gave back the keys and left (and I pouted a little more).

I'm currently working without a contract and until I've got a new contract (a healthy raise would be sweet too), I am not going to make a major purchase like a new car.......but oh how I'd have loved to take her home with me.

Hopefully soon.  Maybe by the end of the summer.

edit to add:  She was sold the next day.  But that's okay because when the time is right they will find me another one and bring it in for me.  Maybe a colour other than black?   Any suggestions.  What's a cool colour?

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