Sunday, June 08, 2008

and then the boy said.....

"oh mom, you always come thru for me."

and i am speechless

how do you repond to that other than to grin and feel like somebody loves you and everything you do for them...even the little things

and what brought forth this tidbit of love from my 5 (and a half) year old son's mouth

i handed him a banana sandwich

a banana sandwich he hadn't asked for

a meal he didn't whine for (unlike his sister who was hungry in mid afternoon.....possibly because she didn't bother listening to me when i said 'have breakfast' a few hours earlier like he did)

i'd made her a banana sandwich - cuz really those couple of remaining bananas were destined for the garbage sooner rather than later anyway and cuz i haven't been grocery shopping in a week and the pantry is BARE!

i made him one just because if i was making one i may as well make two.

i walked into the living room, handed him the sandwich muttering 'here - eat this' half expecting him to grumble that he didn't want it and as i walked away he floored me with his loving words

ahhhh it's good to be loved - and i so needed it this afternoon

and i'm speechless

because once again i'm thinking 'where the heck does he come up with these things he says'

he's a funny kid.

and i love him

and he loves me

and some days that's enough to get you through

especially on those days when other children, who shall remain nameless, are whining....i'm bored; i don't want to help cut the grass; or take the sheets off my bed for washing; make my own breakfast. i want to go to town; amma's; gramma's; aunty georgie's; cherie's; alex's basically anywhere but here - cuz i'm bored and don't want to help cut the grass or clean my room or put my laundry away or any of the other millions of ways that might be thought up to torture their poor pitiful souls.

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