Thursday, June 12, 2008

This SUCKS!!!!

Sucks. Sucks. Sucks.

Have I mentioned this SUCKS!!!

Why is it so hard to keep my head above water nevermind actually get ahead. I just don't know how much energy I have to keep treading water before I completely give up.

How ironic that the first phone call of the day was from some charity. I didn't answer the's on my caller id because they call often and don't like to hear the word NO. Quite frankly I didn't want to listen to their big old speech because a) I don't give to charities that call me randomly when I don't know who the heck they are or if they are even legit and b) I lack the cash to make donations - even the causes I would love to make donations to. There is nothing worse than listening to people who can't take a polite no for an answer and try to guilt me into making a donation.......but it only takes a few dollars and think about the poor children or whatever their charity supposts..... blah blah blah.

That ignored phone call should have been a clue as to how this day would go because every time I turn around today someone else is asking for money....only with them, I can't decline to give them anything cuz well that's just the way the people who provide the electricity that powers my world works. Unfortunately they weren't even happy with my somewhat generous offer and counter offered a couple hundred higher.....complete with an ultimatum. Wasn't that nice of them? Ya - real sweet. I'm thrilled to bits. I honestly know I owe them a crapload of money - heating this drafty old house is killing me slowly and I know it, but I could have used at least a little break on this one for another few weeks. I'd caught up on most everything else and this one bill is the last on the list of biggies to fix. I was feeling pretty good about the waters I was treading up to this point but someone left the water running and it's getting a little deep in here.

Then I figured I should open the mail and see what other surprises await....because surprises you are forewarned about are a little less traumatic than say....a sudden lack internet connection because you forgot to pay the bill. It's like playing the lottery......or a game show. Lets see what's behind door number 2 shall we. Actually, opening the mail wasn't too bad. Most of the 'reminder notices' were for things I'd already taken care of on my own in the last week or so, phew! Yeah me.

Then I got to the 'business mail'. Too bad Regis isn't here to offer me a lifeline cuz what was in envelope 2 was totally NOT what I was expecting. I mean really...I get mail from Canada Revenue all the time - "thank you for your remittance, here's next months forms" etc etc - the joys of payroll taxes and GST remittances. No biggie. Ya. Well. This one is a biggie. It seems there is a discrepancy with some money remitted throughout 2007 and what was reported on all the T4s and they want the difference NOW....or else. You've got to be kidding me. So here I am a few days from payroll remittance, hoping I budgetted enough for it this month and worrying about how to pay the damn GST at the end of the month and now I need to figure out what got screwed up where and when and then somewhere magically come up with almost $400 to pay this 'difference' (cuz honestly....the gov't doesnt' make mistakes so I more than likely owe them the damn money right).

For the love of grocery money is there no end to this? Everyone get your hands out of my pockets!!! They are empty. Empty I tell you and I have nothing more to give.

If you need me I'll be in my office trying not to smudge printer ink with my tears, banging my head on the desk and chain smoking my way through a $12 pack of smokes that I can't afford to smoke but will loose my mind if I don't and maybe I should pick up a bottle or two of 'faux-merlot' just to make this whole experience funner than fun.

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