K: "So, what's new? Haven't talked to you all day"
C: "Not much...but I'll tell you what's NOT new. Your blog! It's been a while since you posted - anything!"
She's subtle like a brick she is. Been mentioning my lack of new blog posts in casual conversation for the past week or so and really...it's not like I didn't know I hadn't written in awhile. Oh baby I know it. It's been driving me crazy - this not having a moment to myself to think and write, to vent and gush and gloat and talk to myself about the highs and lows of the past month. I honestly haven't even opened up my " journal" and quickly put down in print some of my thoughts and feelings, observations and records of milestones and events of the past month. How ironic that the journal i've been trying to use to keep track of all those things gets ignored when it's needed most - when tons of that stuff is happening all at once and the journal would help me keep track of these things. How 'catch-22' and really quite annoying.
So lets see if I can't recap what's been going on in as few words as possible. This could be tough. I like words - lots of rambling, random words.
The top 10 events of the past 4 weeks:
The Medical Adventure Continues - a study in incompetence.
Had an appointment with our family doc and it was quite a WTF moment. He reviewed the letter from the phychologist re: starting A on Respiradol and what did he do you ask? He hemed and hawed and then wrote the scrip and handed it to me with instructions to "watch for side-effects and follow-up in 30 days". Huh? What? Pardon? I was speechless! No pre-prescription physical, no base-line bloodwork/bloodpressure/weight. He didn't even request to see A at all
regarding this. Just wrote the prescription and handed it to me. I promptly walked across the hall to the phychologists office and he was stunned. Almost speechless. We discussed what to
do next.....the main one being not filling the prescription. I didn't bother returning to our family doc to discuss my concerns - i mean really, why bother? He's leaving in a couple weeks so what's the point. The search is on for a new doc - one that has a clue. Unfortunately...it's the start of summer so there's been some delay due to holidays etc. Sigh. Patience Grasshopper.
Another School Year Bites the Dust
I offically have a piece of paper that says Ty completed all things necessary to go onto grade nine. How it happened - I'm not sure because I've since seen his report card and apparently he didn't need to pass Social Studies inorder to go onto grade 9. Again - I'm speechless. Sure I've got the certificate but I question it's worth - not that I wanted him to fail grade 8 but seriously
WTF crossed my mind.L'il O had his Kindergarden Grad and is now a Grade 1'er and he's super excited plus he is done with daycare - and unlike last year when I thought he wouldn't be returning to daycare in the
fall and wasn't ready for, this time around I am quite thankful it's over. Love Love Love our daycare but the time had come to say good-bye (not that we did....just kinda picked him up that last day and that was that) We will go in one day in the next week or two, take them some goodies and say our formal goodbye's which means mostly I will because I have a million thankyou's to say for all their years of support (oh and i have to pay my final bill...won't miss that one tiny bit thankyouverymuch!)Em's off to Grade 3 and oye - last weekend the phone rang off the hook with kids calling
back and forth to ask who's class everyone was in. It was sooooo funny and a little sad. She's growing up and has friends that she freely calls on the telephone. Isn't she just my tiny little baby? NOpe? When the heck did that happen?And A - whos' been done school for a couple weeks already since she doesn't write exams has transitioned amazingly well into the whole schools-out-it's-summer thing which normally is
quite an ordeal. Not so this year. She couldn't wait to get out of there. Kind of a little bit of insight into just how school went this past year.
Mourning the Loss of a Dear 'Friend'
So Sad. I shed a tear or two - just briefly, then got mad at myself for being so damn stupid. Now I just feel plain lost. Lost I tell you! I cannot function like this! Can't do it I tell you. Won't be able to handle this loss for much longer before I loose my mind. I broke my camera!!!!! Wahhhhhhh I know, not the most traumatic loss one can experience but it's MY CAMERA PEOPLE! Did I mention I'm absolutely LOST without it? This camera was an early Mother's Day gift, bought last
year right before we went to the kids dance competion. A much needed replacement for that horrible hand-me-down digital (which honestly i thank heather for because it was my first digi and it opened up a whole new world of film-less photo taking for me) but really i was positively giddy with excitement to get my new FujiFilm FinePix A610 -not top of the line but an
affordable camera that took amazingly clear pics (especially compared to it's predecessor). I'm totally sold on Fuji digital cameras and will eventually replace my baby with another - i might even go a little higher on the foodchain and get a higher quality if finances allow. If not, I'm just as happy with the basic models - my experience with my first fuji was that good!
The Wedding - Backyard Bash 2008: A carnival spectacular
What can I say - it was spectacular. it was a backyard bash. it was a wedding. i have the t-shirt to prove it. The rains let up just in time and the whole event was a blast! I enjoyed spending quality time with Yol and catching up. Liz looked BEAUTIFUL. We all laughed (a lot) and cried (a bit) and danced and ate and dancedsome more.....until the WPS showed up at 11:00 and shut us down. Somebody had their panties in a bunch about the "noise" from the bands and must have been sitting by their phone just waiting for Mickey's big hand to tick past 11pm because not 10 minutes later there was a cruiser car in the driveway and at 11:15 the band was 'allowed' to play one last song. Party Poopers!!!! Here's a pic of Yol, Liz and I - we clean up good don't we....for hillbillys.
Matters of the Heart
Relationships are hard work. Even harder when they aren't your own. Two people I love dearly - one I've known for what seems like forever and one who is a new-found friend have been having some problems only nobody knew (okay...we all knew but didn't know what to say or do or even if we should do anything). Somehow I eneded up 'sticking my nose in' .... as some people think (for the record, i didn't stick my nose in....i was invited in and gladly accepted the position). I don't know if I've helped or not but I do know they both needed to talk to someone and I listen well. Time will tell what happens with this matter of the heart. At one point my friend said.....I know you have your own problems and don't need to be dealing with all mine too. Funny thing is, the more I try and help them work out their differences, the more I seem to be able to work on my own. It seems to have opened up a little bit of dialogue between Al and I and we are on more solid ground the past week or so than we've been in awhile......and my sweet friend says she won't charge me much for the therapy she's providing ME. HaHaHa Funny girl!
Let's Sing
Because Al loves a good kareoke party. That's right. We did it again. At the last minute it was decided the party would be here at our house (even though John was booked 3months ago) and I spent 2 days de-cluttering the house and front addition (thank you Carrie for ALL YOUR HELP!!!) and we packed 20 or so of our closest family & friends in here for a night of laughter, singing and fun....till 3am! I now cannot walk through the upstairs spare room without sidestepping boxes of stuff that prevously was spread throughout the house and it will take me a month to sort and clean it up but it was so worth it. Everyone had a great time! We might even do it again.....who am I kidding. Al's hooked. I'm sure this won't be the last time.
Summer Fun with Family & Friends
It's now officially summer and what does that mean? Why getting together with family & friends and enjoying the great outdoors of course. We've already had our share of BBQ's this summer including the 'breaking-in' of Shelley's new HUGE BBQ that makes my kitchen stove jealous at it's shiney new-ness, hanging out at Shorepoint with Rayna and swimming in the pool was a pure treat last weekend, getting together with extended family to celebrate Granny's 100th birthday was nice (unfortunately Al and I had to work that day and things didn't run smoothly so we were quite late getting there and did not go to the cemetary to lay flowers on her grave - Happy Birthday Granny!!! We all Miss You and Love You! ) We'd watched fireworks - sort of - the kids decided wandering through the crowds and looking for John's stolen bike was way more fun, and have seen the July1st Parade. The younger kids have been to the new spray park already (i missed it - darn work!) and Ty, Em & I took Sue's dog Freya to a 'dog party'. I'm on the hunt for a low priced, small pool to set up in our yard in hopes we can beat the heat this summer - and oh boy have there already been some scorcher days with a bit of crispy skin and heat stroke. We've stocked up on sun screen and bug spray and I think we will need plenty of both in the next few weeks. We've had plenty of fun already and summer has just begun!
This Old House - a real-life drama that's giving me grey hair faster than my kids
Oh where to being. That's the big question. Where to being. Oh wait. We can't. Have been told we are NOT to tear down the front addition of our house - which is not our house. Rumor has it that it will be ours in the near future to do with as we please but until then...... Limbo. I hate limbo. It's so...... unproductive. In the mean time there has been discussion of who, when, how the shingles on the east side of the house will be replace - when I say shingles...think old....really old....as in original wood shakes. They so need to be replaced. Have needed to be replaced for many years - many more than we've lived here. Our other discussions have surrounded how much it would cost to build a new house or get an RTM. But....since the house/property technically isn't ours it's all just discussion. Good thing talk is cheap cuz houses ain't baby.
My dear sweet mom
Love her dearly. Worry. Worry. Worry. about her constantly. I took her to the ER almost 2weeks ago when she was having trouble breathing and spent 4 hours with her there. She's slowly on the mend and getting stronger but she's still not tip-top. I had a few moments of panic and dispair when she started saying things like 'her quality of life is terrible and that she didn't want to fight to stay healthy anymore, wanting to know how much longer 'she had to stay alive' according to her home renovation grant contract and things like that. It wears on my mind when she talks like that. Makes my heart hurt. *** edited to add that i just got a call from her - she's having trouble breathing again and wants to go back to the hospital for a breathing treatment. How nice ofher doctor to bugger off every damn summer for 2 months and leave his patients with less than significate care. Ass!
Cuz I'm not busy enough
******************************************************************I went and applied for a part-time job. Call me crazy! Oh wait...you already have and you can stop laughing now. I seriously WANT this job so bad and am so excited and nervous that I have an interview for it tomorrow. Do you have any idea how long it's been since I went on a
job interview (shut up with the old jokes already) It's been a really long time.....really long. This job is so 'me' and it's only part-time. Just 9 days a month doing stuff I love to do - newsletters and posters and flyers and general office stuff. How cool would that be? Way cool I tell you. Way way way cool!
And that my friends is what's new with me. Whew. Long and rambling stuff.....and that's just the readers digest short version. There are tons of other thoughts and things running through my head. I guess they will be stuck there for a little longer and I'll try and post more regular - and about things other than just what's new with us.
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