Monday, February 09, 2009

The proof is in the 'ah-ha' moment

For those of you (like the 3 whole people that actually stop by and read this neglected little ramble-factory I call my blog) that have been around awhile, you might remember this little post from July about little red magic beans. Well it's been 6 months since The Girl started on these little darlings and while there's never been any question that they help....oh baby do they help, I've found myself wondering lately just how much they help. You see time has a way of making you forget things. *Stop snickering! I know I can't remember a damn thing at the best of times to begin with but seriously. After a few months, the 'new norm' kind of took over and we'd pretty much put the past behind us (or more likely blocked the horrific memories from all consious thought to save our sanity).

Anyway...I'm rambling...see aren't you glad you stopped by.

Anyway the new norm ain't all sugar and spice. The Girl is still a teenager and oh boy she's doing that with flair but we've been wondering just how different life was back then. Well. I have to tell you. We got a decent dose of just what life used to be recently and I can't believe it took me almost a full day to have that ah-ha moment and realize what was going on. While I was on pox-induced quarentine with Miss Em a couple weeks ago, Al took the rest of the herd...I mean family, out to Malanka (Ukrainain New Year Celebration for those not in the know) and they did not get home until sometime around 1am. Now normally The Girl is absolutely obsessive (it can be a good thing) about taking her meds. She's got this internal alarm clock and she knows when it's 9:00 and each night she responsibly takes her little red magic bean. It's really become such routine that I rarely double check that she's taken it and only need to monitor her pill box a couple times a week, refill it once a week and keep tabs on when to refill the prescription etc. *Note to self....hey better get that prescription refill from the pharmacy this week. Even when we've been out in the evenings, the first thing she does when we get home and she's getting ready for bed is take her meds. can already figure out where this is going and really, if I was reading it like you are now I'd have seen it too. But that's not the way things work so it took till 9pm the NEXT night - a full 24hours past due for her meds for me to have my light-bulb, ah-ha, how could I be so stupid moment.

That Sunday was by far the most aggrivating day we've had in a long time. Sheer misery was had by all that day. Nobody was immune. Everyone at some point got a taste of it. Short-temper. Impulsive. Crash and burn mood swings and flat out mean-ness. She couldnt' keep her hands to herself or her mouth from getting her into trouble. It was brutal. To the point where Miss Em, who was starting to feel the 'crash and burn' of the pox and had little patience and lots of tears, packed up her personal belongings and moved out of the room she's been sharing with her sister and moved in with her brothers. "It was worth the risk" she told me later (if you could see the boys' room you'd understand the huge risk she was taking -especially not having a HazMat suit).

We'd assumed Em's lack of patience & tears were more from the pox and itching and Em herself not feeling well but in hindsight, I think she'd have bailed anyway because the day was just THAT BAD. And it just didn't click until later than night, while I was out having coffee with Carrie and was able to decompress and actually string a few thoughts together and talk to another adult without the stress of everything going on a home around me that I thought.....I'll bet she didn't take her meds last night. Sure enough - I got home and went straight to her pill box and the Saturday compartment still had that tiny little red bean in it. So while this little impromptu experiment wasn't exactly scientifically well executed, it sure does reinforce just how much those little beans help not only The Girl...but everyone who comes within striking distance of her. Been along while since we had a 'Duck and Cover' day in our house and I truely don't miss them. Now if only there was a magical cure for teenagers. I have two of them and there ain't enough Merlot in the cupboard some days baby!

*** Oh...and we haven't seen Em's glasses since that Sunday she 'moved out'. It's been over 2 weeks and I just don't hold much hope for finding the glasses (in one piece at least) so it looks like I'll need to buy The Princess a new pair. Grrrrr Pretty expensive 'science experiment' if you ask me.

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