Saturday, May 31, 2008
I didn't see that coming
In my disorganized state of utter confusion I find myself struck by information that I knew about, processed, stored in my memory and then, because, much like this poor old computer, I'm so jam packed with *stuff* my memory recall is a little slow some days and then wham - I'm blindsided.
Take Friday morning for instance. I'm running late for work. The boy - NOT a morning person - was being particularly sleepy and an unwilling participant in the whole morning thing. I dressed him and he went back to sleep. I washed his face & brushed his hair...while he was still asleep. I put his shoes on him...while he was still asleep. Ugh So finally we are in the van and heading to daycare and then he says to me. "You know. I was talking to Dane last night and he said there was no daycare today" BAMM!- I'm blindsided with this information and it starts the information retrieval process and I vaguely remember reading in at least 3 or 4 newsletters in the last couple months that the daycare would be closed one day so the staff can attend a childcare conference. I back the van up and rush into the house to find any one of the newsletters saying what date that was. It only took me shuffling through 2 piles of papers to find one and sure enough - daycare's closed. I read it. I processed it. I stored it for future reference but alas I forgot to retrieve the info when needed. Geesh! My information system is glitchier than Vista (which i've heard horrible things about).
I love lists and calendars. Love them. My only problem with them....I forget to look at them or I loose them. In fact, even if I do find and look at them, it's not uncommon to then process the info that is on them and promptly forget. I can make note of a meeting, think about that meeting daily for a week, even think about said meeting on the morning of but then miss the meeting and remember about it an hour or two after I've already missed it. The same goes for paying bills. I'm not even talking about paying them 'on time' either. I mean just paying them in general. I think about it. Mean to do it. Even go to do it and then get sidetracked and poof - the thought is lost and I don't do it. Then BAMM! - blindsided by a disconnected cellphone or lack of internet connection. Information retrieval is NOT what I do best. I am getting better about not missing appointments or meetings since I started using my cellphone calendar where I put the info in and set it for a reminder alarm but still, not everything fits on that calendar. It's not like I can put in remember to pick up toilet paper then next time you go to the store on it and I only remember it when BAMM I'm blindsided with a lack of toilet paper. Not the end of the world but still just as painful as a missed appointment or lost phone service. Although lost phone service has to be the suckiest of all faux-pas because seriously - running to town for TP is easily corrected, getting stuck in answering system gridlock trying to find a human to help me with my lack of telephone service and remove the recording on it informing callers that our number had been changed to another number - that of the people who had our phone number 5yrs ago and for whom we still receive numerous calls for each month. Honestly MTS never could explain the number re-direct to me, but the whole lost service thing was totally my fault. I processed the "pink" reminder/disconnection notice and then it got lost among the clutter of my mind.
Okay so that said. I have a note stuck to my computer that says........"PAY THE DAMN BILLS TODAY BEFORE THE S*** HITS THE FAN!!!!! I wrote it last night...because I thought about it on my way to bed and knew I wouldn't think about it this morning on my own and now that I've sufficiently sidetracked myself with blogging this morning I should actually pay the noted bills before I forget - again. I guess that means before I can do that I have to actualy go track down the bills so I know who and how much I have to pay them. My "paper" files are, sadly, in worse condition that my "mental" files. I need HELP!!!!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Six Degrees of Seperation - Blog Style
Here's where I get to the 'six degrees' part. While over at Dawn Meehan's blog Because I Said So yesterday, I clicked on a few of links on her sidebar to check them out (because it's what I do). I've gotten some really good links from that site including another personal fav by a homeschooling mom of 6....the SuburbanCorrespondant regularly thrills me with anecdotes of parenting not only a large number of children but one rather snarly teenage daughter. oh how i can relate!. Many of the links from Dawn's though are blogs or care pages of terminally ill or extremely disabled children. One inparticular, that I spent a good part of the afternoon reading through is that of a little girl named Rylee who has a very debillitating disease and her parents work way harder at providing care for her in their home than they need to (fighting for gov't services etc) and at one point in a recent post there is a picture of their living room and on the wall behind their sofa is this gorgeous picture that I was immediately drawn to and recognized as being by the artist I mentioned above. I don't think I would have noticed it had I not spent time browsing his art work a few days earlier. Ironically this family has put together an application tape to send to Extreme Home Make Over in the hopes that Ty and his crew will help them transform their lovely home into one that is more accessible for their young daughter who is getting big enough now that she will soon be requiring a wheelchair rather than the specially designed strollers and such that they currently have. I'm hoping it's a sign - that sign painting on their wall, that good things will come to them and Extreme Home Make Over will come knocking on their door one day soon. I know it's a dream of mine that they will help me with my house....but that's just a dream (who doesn't dream of Ty Pennington waking them up in the early morning hours....bullhorn or not). Some people just really do need their help more than I do and for way more important reasons.
Try clicking on the "next blog" button and seeing where it takes you today. You never know what interesting things lay just beyond the page you are currently reading.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
and so we begin
We had our first meeting with the psychologist today. Nice guy. I like him and I was very comfortable talking to him - for the most part, no - i think completely, even if I did get a little stressed and anxious but that was only briefly and he put me at ease quickly. I do like him.
The meeting itself took less than an hour. We signed some papers giving the department (ie him) permission to a) talk to Aarica, b) access her records and I'm sure there was a c) but I can't remember what it was. I don't really remember all that we talked about but since I'd given him a good history lesson the day before over the phone we didn't need to get into details of whats what in our life. One interesting discussion though involved the fact that ThatWoman from CSS had called me this morning on the premise of checking on how things were going with the new respite worker and that TW hadn't be able to contact her for a few days. The respite worker said she was going to call ThatWoman with regards to having missed our respite night last week so I didn't think anything of the fact that TW had called this morning.
On a side note I discussed my concerns about this new worker with ThatWoman andAnyway back to the conversation with the psychologist................ I had mentioned to him yesterday, our frusteration with CSS and he did not seem surprised that I got a call from ThatWoman this morning and said something to the effect of ' look what happens when you rattle a few chains' . Bwaaahhhhh. I do believe he called her and gave her a pieceof his mind and I sure would have loved to have been listeninging in on that conversation. Score 1 for Us on the CSS front. Thank you funny phychologist guy.
mentioned that I had someone else that is willing to provide the sort of respite
we are looking for. She said she would call me next week when she's back from
holidays to let me know how much I have in my respite budget...and again
mentioned camp (ugh...she just doesn't get that Aarica doesn't want to go to
camp) so in the mean time I'm going to talk to Cherie-Lyne about doing respite
for us privately. Sweet stuff!
He's very insistant that a main priority be that we receive more help ..... in the home. *gasp*.......that's where i got a little anxious. I don't like people in my space and being the funny psychologist guy that he is...he picked up on my anxiety and called me on it - read me like a book, he did and then suggested he introduce me to the adult phychologist. gessh I hope I'm as comfortable with whoever that is. (side not to funny phychologist guy.....too many new people in my circle and i'll bolt like a spooked horse buddy)
So moving right along, on also known as changing the subject, we then discussed what happens next and that will be him meeting Aarica. Her and I have an appointment next Tuesday and by then he figures he will have an appointment time set up for her to meet with a psychiatrist (probably in a couple weeks) and then we will get some updated assessments etc done. He's not too impressed with the lack of assessments and such that have been done over the years. I'm sure the last time we saw anyone in a professional manner was at least 6yrs ago - if not more. Not that he blames us for that. Someone dropped the ball and follow-ups weren't done along the way. Uh....ya. Tell me something I don't know. Anyway, he says he's impressed with how we've handled things thus far considering the lack of support we've received. Have I mentioned I like this guy.....and that I'd love to have been a fly on the wall when he called ThatWoman. Okay. I'll stop gloating now. I'm just very happy and I guess I'll forgive him for making me anxious with that whole need to bring more peopleinto our home to help stuff. It's a touchy spot with me. I've spent the last 10+ years building walls to keep those that judge out after some really horrible experiences. But I'll trust this guy that he knows what he's talking about....for now.
After the meeting with the funny psychologist guy, Al and I went out for lunch then to his parents for coffee and a visit. Nice stuff. Quality time spent together. After that I had a couple hours of me-time and I went browsing at the thrift store & did a little shopping on the cheap, visited with Carrie, Garrett and the baby for a little bit, picked up a few groceries and came a 'fixed' backdoor - well sort of fixed backdoor, which was broken by the two oldest kids goofing around. Dad had given them both extra chores as punishment for their irresponsible actions leading to the breaking of the door (take into account this is NOT the first broken door in our lives) and all was calm and peaceful in my world. Shortly after that, the two youngest kids came home from their afterschool playdate and we spent the evening with a house full of company - Sue, Luke & Carrie. I broke open another bottle of Merlot (which i'm told is not really wine but we will now call it Faux-Merlot) and this time it was because it was a GOOD DAY and not because it was a very very long day. BTW - The psychologist keeps asking me how I sleep...if I get enough sleep....hmmmm wonder what he'd say if I said yes I do with the help of Faux-Merlot. LOL I'm just kidding. Usually it's Dark Rum & Sprite. ;0)
Monday, May 26, 2008
Trucks, Phychologists & other random thoughts
It's been an ever so interesting day...ummm week. Lets work backwards shall we.
Today was a very long day (hense the Merlot) and I'm so hoping the children will cease their unwillingness to sleep - soon! Al & Aarica, Shelley & I finally pulled back into the yard after a very long day in 'the beach' around 7:30 tonight. After a long frusterating day, Shelley finally got the parts needed to somewhat fix the big truck and she brought Aarica with her to the beach at 6pm tonight to help us finish up the last of the route. At one point Shelley threatened to pull start the truck, drive it into the city and through the display window of the dealership where we bought it (it's not the first time she's threatened to bring the truck back to them in a dramatic of these days they are gonna call the cops on 'that crazy red-head' LOL) Anyway, as you can figure by now, the 'big truck' pitched a hissy...much like it's driver, and took most of the day off. I went in at 1:00 to take over for Garrett who worked the morning with Al. I was so impressed that they had finished all of Al's route by then. I spent the morning at home unexpectedly and for much of it I wasn't sure if I'd be heading into work at any moment so I really didn't accompish much around here while I was waiting for the big truck to be fixed. While I waited though, I did spend a half an hour on the phone with a psychologist. The title of my post was going to be " And the Pshychologist said......" Actually, it was going to be " Is it bad when a Psychologist says I think you are long overdue for some help?" but that was too long. Seriously though, that's what he said at one point. LOL It was a nice conversation and I'm actually looking forward to meeting him tomorrow afternoon. I hope I can talk as easily to him in person as I did over the phone today. Why the phychologist's phone call and subsequent appointment? Because I fell to pieces in the dr's office on Thursday and begged for help dealing with the teen mood-swing queen.... and our dr sent a consult over to the adolescent psychologist across the hall from him and boom there it is - the phone call of hope. One thing he said to me on the phone -" I don't think I can fix everything but I can help you deal with things alot better." Sounds good to me! For the first time in a long time I feel like there is someone in a professional capacity that 'gets where I'm coming from' and understands me and is willing to help in any way he can. Yipeeee. I'm kinda glad I was at home when he called and was able to take the time to actually talk to him, which wouldn't have been the case had the truck not broken down first thing this morning. Do things happen for a reason? Let's not push it that far. I'm not exactly willing to say that the words Truck Fire will ever ever ever be a good thing. They put it out with the fire extinguisher before I knew anything about it but still - not a good way to start out a Monday morning.....especially at 7 in the morning. At least I'd had a swallow or two of coffee before Garrett tossed that bit of news my way. Maybe if I'd gotten to sleep before 1am (darn girl and her fear of thunder storms) it might not have taken 2-3 attempts to explain what was going on outside for me to actually clue in. LOL
Well, Merlot and I did a pretty fine job of this post I think, but it's definately time to call it a night. I'll elaborate on the Dr's appointment and events leading up to that tomorrow when I have more time on my almost-day-off. I also have a post from mid last week - quite a rambling bit of nothing actually. I may edit it and publish it - or I may not. We will see how that goes. For now. G'night
~ K
Friday, May 16, 2008
A man's home may be his castle but....

Cleanliness is next to........IMPOSSIBLE!
Let's break it down shall we in order of annoyance starting with the most minor offenders first.
Exibit A:
Subject - Emily
Age - a few days shy of 8
Offence - her hair
Evidence - it's a tangled mess and she's not managing it with the care it needs on an ongoing basis. Even after washing she does not take the time or ask for the help she needs in dealing with it's unique-ness
Defence - (and she's the only one with a legitimate one) Those darn ringlet curls are a bugger to comb through and unless I'm around with an hour to spare inorder to de-tangle the mess, it doesn't get done after a shower resulting in a dry mess with a semi-dreadlock appearance. Poor girl!
Exibit A:
Subject - Owen
Age - 5 and a half (the half is important at that age don't you know)
Offence i.i - dirt removal
Evidence - he wipes his face with the back of his hand so there is this perpetual smear of food along the right cheek at any given moment and freaks whenever you attempt to wash his face & hands.
Offence i.ii - bath time
Evidence - he protests profusely but fortunately is small enough that he can be physically put into the bath or shower. Unfortunately he screams like a banshee durring the entire process and the wailing gets increasing louder when having his hair washed. I'm positive the neighbours a half mile away can hear him (and us) and one day the RCMP will come banging on our back door to investigate the noise complaint.
Defence - he doesn't have one.
Exibit B:
Subject - Aarica
Age - 16
Offence - She refuses to brush her teeth
Evidence - I pay how much in health insurance everymonth so we can have dental coverage and this is how she repays me! Apparently she prefers needles and fillings on an ongoing basis to brushing her pearly whites a couple times a day. Go figure. Genetically she's up a creek without a paddle on this one because both her parents have horrible teeth. No matter how often we brush, they are still disintegrating at an alarming rate. I blame the kids for my dental problems - they sucked the life right out of them each time I was pregnant & my paralyzing fear of dentists doesn't help either. What can I do - hold her down and scrub the nasties off of them? Highly unlikely to happen - she's bigger than me.
Defence - it's a weak one: I don't LIKE brushing them.
Exibit C:
Subject - Tyler
Age - 14
Offence - Body Odour!!!! or as I've been refering to it.....For The Love of God Boy - Take a SHOWER!!!!
Evidence - The boy smells! Plain and simple truth there.
Day 1: Tyler, you need to shower tonight. He ignores me. 15mins later I remind him that he HAS to take a shower. He ignores me. 15mins later I yell - Tyler, GO TAKE A SHOWER. He ignores me and 2minutes later is saying goodnight and is gone to bed. ?????
Day 2: He's smelling a little 'stronger' today. I'm heading out for the evening but I tell dad....THAT boy HAS to have a shower TONIGHT. Imagine my surprise (not) that he did NOT take a shower.
Day 3: Aftershool activity - oye! I'm not happy and make no effort to be politically correct or non-judgemental and tell him point blank - You smell! At home, I unplug the Playstation and confiscate all DS systems without saying a word. He comes into my office to talk to me and I ask him to leave because he smells bad. I physically could not be in the same room with him all evening. Every time I said YOU MUST HAVE A SHOWER NOW!!!! He glared at me like I'm an idiot. After about the 5th time I yelled, he finally went to have a shower. He didn't once ask if he could hook up the PS2 or for a DS system but the answer would have been no. Passive agressive maybe but I think he got the hint when I silently unhooked and put away all game systems that he wasn't winning this one.
Defence: He's yet to plead his case. I have no clue what his deal is. Everyone says - He's a boy and will pass - hopefully before I pass out from the smell!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Fact Finding Mission...aka meeting with the resource teacher
I did some pre-work/homework the night before and prepared a list of discussion topics (ie I wrote down some thoughts from my cluttered mind so I would remember them when I needed too and didn't draw a blank at the meeting and forget WHY I'd requested this meeting in the first place). I made this list only the night before because I'd actually forgotten about the meeting and when going over in my mind thinking I had the entire Tuesday free to go visit Carrie in the hospital it suddenly dawned on me that I had a meeting that morning. I swear, I need a personal assistant to keep me on track.
Anyway. The meeting was productive(ish). I got answers to alot of my questions and voiced my opinions about what I needed to ---- like that I'm concerned with the amount of time Aarica is spending on unnecessary (non-academic) things like finding song lyrics on the net and printing out page after page of these. She seriously came home one day with a binder full of this junk and she spends time then hand copying them onto looseleaf paper over and over again. Sure it helps with her writing skills etc but the subject matter feeds her obsession and that's not acceptable. I voiced my concerns about her attitude and about some of the feedback I'd heard from fellow students regarding her social skills which I feel have declined over the past 9months -- all Cherie-Lyne's hard work from the last 4 years is slowly going down the drain. Grrrrrr.
The resource teacher feels that grade 9 - for a lot of kids...not just those with special needs, is all about the transition into highschool life and she is actually quite impressed with how well Aarica has transitioned. We discussed her academic progresses and also what sort of work she's been doing on a day to day basis in class and what obstacles they are working on. I asked her opinion on the ADHD diagnosis 'attached' to her many years ago. I sometimes question it's accuracy considering that was pre-hearing loss diagnosis when she was practically considered non-verbal (i still remember sub-consiously counting word strings on my fingers when she was in 2nd grade....and 4 word sentences being something to cheer about). She says she would most definately say yes - it's a valid diagnosis (and one of her TA's agreed as well). For example in Math class there is a huge binder full of print out worksheets for Aarica to work on and they are divided into numerous catagories and durring class she will work on a sheet from one catagory but only has enough focus to do it for about 10minutes. She then moves on to another sheet from another catagory. So 10minutes is her limit - give or take. The TA was also asked if she'd consider Aarica Hyperactive....the H part of ADHD and she again said yes. Was there ever really any question in my mind that she wasn't adhd? Not just helps to have someone else reinforce that I'm not crazy...I mean I really do know what is going on (even though I don't feel like it most of the time). We've noticed an increased attitude (aka...being mean & miserable) since about January and when I asked her TA about that she said that yes, she would say that since January things have definately been a little more inconsistant with her attitude at school. Also on the list of things to talk about was the request from Childrens Special Services. I asked if one had been received...and yes it is right there in her binder (i pointed out that Aarica's name had been added after the fact and we had a brief discussion about the CSS-SW aka ThatWoman and how "we" meaning anyone having anything to do with ThatWoman tend to only hear from her in March/ know....budget time) The resource teacher actually asked (she's not had much experience with TW) what it is she does and my answer is.........precious little IMO. Not that I'm bitter...much! So anyway, we discussed the report that had been requested by TW and out came the Phychologists report...which was done in March/April of '07 and I have NEVER seen nor did I know one existed. It's an interesting though thin report that amazingly I found a website a couple days earlier on how to 'translate' into lay terms (ie something a parent would actually understand). Basically it's an IQ test focussing on 3 different areas and she's DEFICIENT in all 3 with scores ranging between 43 & 47. The most interesting part of the report though was that a) they got her birthdate wrong and b) the report was 'addressed' to the resource coordinator from her middle school only they had the name of the school wrong. At least it was for another school in our division. OYE! Who's the dificient one? So I now have a copy of our daughters Phychology Report and as the resource teacher says....this report will definately qualify Aarica for continued services through the Adult Service Dept. And to this i say.........what services????!!!!! I believe THAT comment lead to the discussion of the uselessness of TW from CSS and the fact that I've learned not to expect much from them. How sad. Last on the agenda - or 'my random list of thoughts' was that I was planning on scheduling an appointment with our doctor and did they have any recomendations....and she had 3 pretty good ones. Ah ha! Someone with some opinons on what I can do to help my daughter - cuz I'm just plain lost. 1) discuss her attention problems and the possibility of another trial of medications (we did one once - about 10yrs had mixed results and we opted to discontinue and just haven't gotten around to trying again), 2) discuss her obsessions/anxiety 3) discuss her moodswings/attitued and one possible suggestion was to do a trial of birth control pills. Now that she's on a more regular cycle in that area it might be something to consider as a way to level off the hormone fluctuations and hopefully ease the symptoms associated with her wicked wicked mood swings and I do mean wicked. So I'm awaiting a call back from our dr to set up an appointment for a consultation and in the mean time I'm going to re-start and insist she take the meds she has for her excema. On top of helping her excema which she does have a mild flare up of right now, it also has help in the past with her anxieties. And while I'm at it I'm going to prepare my own daybook/schedule tracker to be used as her day book to and from school. The one they created for her gets misplaces - a lot and it doesn't provide me with the necessary feed back tools I need, especially if we are going to start any sort of med I'm going to prepare something on my own and hopefully get it well established beforehand. Ah the joys of advocasy. Have i mentioned I need a personal assistant? I was 'tested' a half dozen years ago because I felt I experience many ADD traits and was looking for some help with strategies etc. The phychologist brushed me off as 'a stressed mother'. Whether he's right or not, I'm totally disorganized and easily sidetracked so keeping track of and completing all this stuff is totally over my head most days --- which is why I suck at being an advocate. Arghh!!!!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Work Hard and You Shall Be Rewarded
Dancing - my kiddos love to dance. Emily LIVES to dance. She dances with passion and determination to be the best....this is her choice. Her groups earned a bronze and a gold medal at the Brandon competion. Owen LOVES to dance and it's bizzare that this shy little kid has absolutely no problems getting up on stage and preforming. It's fun stuff and he enjoys it. His group earned a silver at the competition. Tyler used to dance and maybe one day he will dance again. I don't think he has that deep love like Emily or gets the enjoyment out of it like Owen and it was his choice not to dance this year. It was a hard choice for him to make....and it was a heartbreaking one for me to hear - but ultimately it was his choice and I'm proud of him for making a choice that was right for him at the time.
Bowling - my kiddos love to bowl. Emily, Tyler & Aarica all participated in at least one if not many tournaments this year. Tyler's 3some team placed 2nd at provincials this spring and he went to the bowler of the year tournament representing his age group from Gimli this year. At the banquet both Tyler and Owen racked up handfuls (and then some) of tropies and awards - they both won Bowler of the Year and high single in their age group, Tyler won most improved bowler for the Jr catagory, Owen won high double & high average trophies. Owen and Uncle Russel won in their catagory durring the family tournament and for the second year in a row Tyler and I won the family tournament in our catagory. I was extremely proud of Emily, who watched her brothers receive trophy after trophy while she did not. The look on her face was one of disapointment but she receives from me the highest praises for being a graceful sport about it all. She perked up though when she received a perfect attendance medal and a handful of badges as did the boys. Aarica's banquet is a couple weeks - I've never been to the special o banquet so I'm not sure what sort if any awards & trophies they hand out but whether she brings home the hardwear or not - for her first year of bowling, she did amazingly well. We are proud of all our little bowlers!!!
In the middle of March, I got a phone call from one of the hockey reps in our area asking about Tyler's reffing the past year. He had been chosen by Interlake Minor Hockey to receive an award from Manitoba Hockey. We didn't tell Tyler and waited till the letter came addressed to him from Manitoba Hockey in mid April. The look on his face was priceless when it finally sunk in that he was being given an award by Manitoba Hockey and the Hockey Hall of Fame for his efforts as a young ref. Unfortunately, we did not attend the banquet but one of his fellow refs received a scholarship that night and his mom brought back a program from the banquet for Tyler which is so nice to have ....and his face beamed when he received his plaque in the mail about a week later. I still feel really bad for not going but I was not feeling well that day and we decided that instead of going to the banquet we would get a sitter for the other kids and take Tyler out on the town - just the 3 of us. We went bowling and out for supper and had a great time hanging out. I'm SO completely proud of the Most Improved Young Official in the Interlake --- he's MY SON!!!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Meeting Linden

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day --- and what a wonderful day it is!!!
Carrie & Garrett are the proud parents of one darn cute baby boy!
Happy Mother's Day Carrie
I'd just given up hearing anything and my head barely hit the pillow when I got the exciting text message at 1:50am from Garrett that Linden was finally here. I was so happy. I cried some tears of joy, forwarded the text message to a few people who were anxiously awaiting any news and then crashed....only to be woken by my own bundles of joy at 9am. They were fighting. Happy Mother's Day to me.
After a couple cups of coffee and dad giving the kids the evil eye - things settled down and we had a great day. I received a cute card from Owen (hand made at daycare....using Bazzill cardstock! how cool!) and a boquet of silk flowers in a pair of garden gloves as well as a fridge magnet with his cheesey little grin and a playstation game (which the kids have played more than me). In the afternoon we had Al's family here for a birthday bbq for all my May Babies - Aarica, Tyler & Emily and we played cards all. Garrett stopped by on his way home to show off pics of his pride & joy. What a cutie!!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
I'm too excited to sleep!!!
The Saturday of the Mother's Day weekend is always busy because every year the dance concert is on this Saturday....only this year two of the instructors weren't there to watch all their kids dance. They have other things on their mind. I got a text message from Carrie at 11:30 this morning that her and Garrett were on their way to the city. It's BABY TIME!!!!
Friday, May 09, 2008
Remembering Childbirth
For weeks now I've been thinking back at different times to the pregnancies/births of my 4 children. All 4 kids are completely different kids and their pregnancies and births were just as varried as their personalities. For the older two - especially Tyler, the details are getting foggy...they are 16 & 14 afterall and even for the younger two who are almost 8 & 51/2, I sometimes really have to think to remember some of the details. I think I need to sit down and write out what I do still remember - before I forget it all together.
For now, I'm just anxious to hear from Carrie. I know the contractions she was feeling tonight have let up for now....but I'm still hoping that soon that little one will be on his way.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Advocacy 101
I think all parents - whether they have a special needs child or not, should take a class on being an effective advocate for your child(ren).
The A word - Advocate - seems to be smacking me in the face alot lately, from a couple different directions. I'm 'sort of' used to it with Aarica and I'm the first to admit I'm not the best advocate when it comes to her as I should be --- but I'm learning and trying to pick up the slack I've created. There have been some issues regarding her lately. This whole highschool thing is just new stuff for me and it's taking awhile to learn the ropes and a whole new way of doing things compared to life in middle school. While I've learned to not expect the world from CSS over the years, I've never had more than a mild complaint or two about how things work through the school system and I've never felt my daughter has needed me to stick my nose in and question what's going on. We've been truely blessed throughout the years with wonderful people to help us. We've had wonderful daycare staff that to this day are a gift, good resource coordinators at the school, amazing teachers and awesome TA support with many of these people going above and beyond to help and support not only our daughter but also me (and my sanity) as well as our family. All of a sudden i'm in uncharted waters. HighSchool is a whole different ball game and I'm struggling........ but that is why I've scheduled a meeting with the resource coordinator at the HighSchool to get a few things off my chest about some issues and I am determined to help my daughter and not drop the ball.
But it's not just Aarica I've got to be an advocate for lately. It seems our youngest is also struggling with some issues both at school and at daycare and now I've stepped up to the plate to help him too. Owen is dealing with a bully of sorts - someone in both his kindergarden class and his daycare group and I'm feeling like I've come full circle. 10 years ago, I'm sure there was a parent just like me, talking to teachers about how their child is having problems with our daughter and now I'm talking to teachers about problems my son is having with another child. I almost feel like a hipocrite, complaining about some of the very same things Aarica has more than likely done to other kids over the years - but I know I would never have questioned any other parent for sticking up for their kid's just odd to be on the other side of the fence for a change. No matter which side of the fence I'm on though - this advocacy thing is tough stuff. Lets just hope things all work out in the end.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Ack! My picture!
If I live to be a hundred
And never see the seven wonders
That'll be alright
If I don't make it to the big leagues
If I never win a Grammy
I'm gonna be just fine
Cause I know exactly who I am
I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends that love me
And they know just where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am
So when I make a big mistake
And when I fall flat on my face
I know I'll be alright
Should my tender heart be broken
I will cry those teardrops knowing
I will be just fine
Cause nothing changes who I am
I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends that love me
And they know just where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am
I'm a saint and I'm a sinner
I'm a loser; I'm a winner
I am steady and unstable
I'm young, but I am able
I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends that love me
And they know where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am
I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends that love me
And they know where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am
That's who I am
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Aarica is 16 !!!!

Saturday, May 03, 2008
Tyler is 14 !!!

Tyler's had a very good year this past year - highlights include traveling halfway across the country by plane (and being responsible for his older sister) to visit Aunty Sue, Uncle Grant and Luke in Kelowna; spending a week at summer camp with his friend Alec; reffing hockey all winter - including some out of town games and then receiving recognition for his hard work; bowling an excellent season that included numerous tournaments. He was also a wonderful help to me this past year - staying home and babysitting his younger brother and sister last summer while I worked and also watching them and his older sister so dad and I could bowl in the Thursday night league. He slacks a little on his chores and responsibilites around the house and at school ....but he's I guess he's supposed to - a little bit. At the end of the day though, I'm so proud of him and proud that he is my son!