Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Meeting Linden

Excited doesn't begin to cover it!
No matter how much it rained Monday and how soaking wet I got working on the back of the truck.....I didn't care because after it was all over Shelley, Rayna & John and I went into the city to visit Carrie and meet baby Linden!

We were packed into that tiny 1/2 of a hospital room like sardines but it was so worth it. I don't know who I needed to see more - that cute little boy or Carrie - to see for myself that she was okay. The news that she'd had a C-section threw me. I think I was the last to know. After my own experience with a C-section I was worried about her (more than I'd already been). Turns out....my experience sucked way more than it needed too and I was thrilled to see her looking so good. So we took turns cuddling the sleeping baby under the watchful eye of Babba Cindy who was not happy she had to share her grandson with us. It was a short visit but so worth the drive in.

On Tuesday, I headed back in by myself and I spent the afternoon with them. I think Linden got cuter overnight and the affects of just being born had worn off and he was awake and alert and did i mention he got cuter. I watched Garrett give him his first bath, I cuddled the baby a bit, but mostly I just wanted to hang out with Carrie and hear all about what had happened Saturday. What a great way to spend an afternoon and again worth the drive in....although being in the city especially down town makes me appreciate all the more just who I am & where I live.

1 comment:

Kat said...

He is absolutely gorgeous!
Please extend my congrats to Carrie