Tuesday, May 27, 2008

and so we begin

our adventure into the world of adolescent psychology and beyond.

We had our first meeting with the psychologist today. Nice guy. I like him and I was very comfortable talking to him - for the most part, no - i think completely, even if I did get a little stressed and anxious but that was only briefly and he put me at ease quickly. I do like him.

The meeting itself took less than an hour. We signed some papers giving the department (ie him) permission to a) talk to Aarica, b) access her records and I'm sure there was a c) but I can't remember what it was. I don't really remember all that we talked about but since I'd given him a good history lesson the day before over the phone we didn't need to get into details of whats what in our life. One interesting discussion though involved the fact that ThatWoman from CSS had called me this morning on the premise of checking on how things were going with the new respite worker and that TW hadn't be able to contact her for a few days. The respite worker said she was going to call ThatWoman with regards to having missed our respite night last week so I didn't think anything of the fact that TW had called this morning.
On a side note I discussed my concerns about this new worker with ThatWoman and
mentioned that I had someone else that is willing to provide the sort of respite
we are looking for. She said she would call me next week when she's back from
holidays to let me know how much I have in my respite budget...and again
mentioned camp (ugh...she just doesn't get that Aarica doesn't want to go to
camp) so in the mean time I'm going to talk to Cherie-Lyne about doing respite
for us privately. Sweet stuff!
Anyway back to the conversation with the psychologist................ I had mentioned to him yesterday, our frusteration with CSS and he did not seem surprised that I got a call from ThatWoman this morning and said something to the effect of ' look what happens when you rattle a few chains' . Bwaaahhhhh. I do believe he called her and gave her a pieceof his mind and I sure would have loved to have been listeninging in on that conversation. Score 1 for Us on the CSS front. Thank you funny phychologist guy.
He's very insistant that a main priority be that we receive more help ..... in the home. *gasp*.......that's where i got a little anxious. I don't like people in my space and being the funny psychologist guy that he is...he picked up on my anxiety and called me on it - read me like a book, he did and then suggested he introduce me to the adult phychologist. gessh I hope I'm as comfortable with whoever that is. (side not to funny phychologist guy.....too many new people in my circle and i'll bolt like a spooked horse buddy)
So moving right along, on also known as changing the subject, we then discussed what happens next and that will be him meeting Aarica. Her and I have an appointment next Tuesday and by then he figures he will have an appointment time set up for her to meet with a psychiatrist (probably in a couple weeks) and then we will get some updated assessments etc done. He's not too impressed with the lack of assessments and such that have been done over the years. I'm sure the last time we saw anyone in a professional manner was at least 6yrs ago - if not more. Not that he blames us for that. Someone dropped the ball and follow-ups weren't done along the way. Uh....ya. Tell me something I don't know. Anyway, he says he's impressed with how we've handled things thus far considering the lack of support we've received. Have I mentioned I like this guy.....and that I'd love to have been a fly on the wall when he called ThatWoman. Okay. I'll stop gloating now. I'm just very happy and I guess I'll forgive him for making me anxious with that whole need to bring more peopleinto our home to help stuff. It's a touchy spot with me. I've spent the last 10+ years building walls to keep those that judge out after some really horrible experiences. But I'll trust this guy that he knows what he's talking about....for now.

After the meeting with the funny psychologist guy, Al and I went out for lunch then to his parents for coffee and a visit. Nice stuff. Quality time spent together. After that I had a couple hours of me-time and I went browsing at the thrift store & did a little shopping on the cheap, visited with Carrie, Garrett and the baby for a little bit, picked up a few groceries and came home........to a 'fixed' backdoor - well sort of fixed backdoor, which was broken by the two oldest kids goofing around. Dad had given them both extra chores as punishment for their irresponsible actions leading to the breaking of the door (take into account this is NOT the first broken door in our lives) and all was calm and peaceful in my world. Shortly after that, the two youngest kids came home from their afterschool playdate and we spent the evening with a house full of company - Sue, Luke & Carrie. I broke open another bottle of Merlot (which i'm told is not really wine but wine-beverage...so we will now call it Faux-Merlot) and this time it was because it was a GOOD DAY and not because it was a very very long day. BTW - The psychologist keeps asking me how I sleep...if I get enough sleep....hmmmm wonder what he'd say if I said yes I do with the help of Faux-Merlot. LOL I'm just kidding. Usually it's Dark Rum & Sprite. ;0)


1 comment:

Kat said...

So glad to hear you like this guy Kirsten, put those walls down just a bit and let him help you. There's nothing wrong with help when needed, let it happen baby. You so totally deserve some relief in that hectic life of yours.
Hang in there and know that I am here for you anytime, day or night.
Luv ya.