Saturday, May 31, 2008

I didn't see that coming

Ever been blindsided? Not literally. I'm talking figuratively here....I don't want to talk about literally being blindsided - that concrete table had it coming and shouldn't have been in the way while I was distracted by my own thoughts.

In my disorganized state of utter confusion I find myself struck by information that I knew about, processed, stored in my memory and then, because, much like this poor old computer, I'm so jam packed with *stuff* my memory recall is a little slow some days and then wham - I'm blindsided.

Take Friday morning for instance. I'm running late for work. The boy - NOT a morning person - was being particularly sleepy and an unwilling participant in the whole morning thing. I dressed him and he went back to sleep. I washed his face & brushed his hair...while he was still asleep. I put his shoes on him...while he was still asleep. Ugh So finally we are in the van and heading to daycare and then he says to me. "You know. I was talking to Dane last night and he said there was no daycare today" BAMM!- I'm blindsided with this information and it starts the information retrieval process and I vaguely remember reading in at least 3 or 4 newsletters in the last couple months that the daycare would be closed one day so the staff can attend a childcare conference. I back the van up and rush into the house to find any one of the newsletters saying what date that was. It only took me shuffling through 2 piles of papers to find one and sure enough - daycare's closed. I read it. I processed it. I stored it for future reference but alas I forgot to retrieve the info when needed. Geesh! My information system is glitchier than Vista (which i've heard horrible things about).

I love lists and calendars. Love them. My only problem with them....I forget to look at them or I loose them. In fact, even if I do find and look at them, it's not uncommon to then process the info that is on them and promptly forget. I can make note of a meeting, think about that meeting daily for a week, even think about said meeting on the morning of but then miss the meeting and remember about it an hour or two after I've already missed it. The same goes for paying bills. I'm not even talking about paying them 'on time' either. I mean just paying them in general. I think about it. Mean to do it. Even go to do it and then get sidetracked and poof - the thought is lost and I don't do it. Then BAMM! - blindsided by a disconnected cellphone or lack of internet connection. Information retrieval is NOT what I do best. I am getting better about not missing appointments or meetings since I started using my cellphone calendar where I put the info in and set it for a reminder alarm but still, not everything fits on that calendar. It's not like I can put in remember to pick up toilet paper then next time you go to the store on it and I only remember it when BAMM I'm blindsided with a lack of toilet paper. Not the end of the world but still just as painful as a missed appointment or lost phone service. Although lost phone service has to be the suckiest of all faux-pas because seriously - running to town for TP is easily corrected, getting stuck in answering system gridlock trying to find a human to help me with my lack of telephone service and remove the recording on it informing callers that our number had been changed to another number - that of the people who had our phone number 5yrs ago and for whom we still receive numerous calls for each month. Honestly MTS never could explain the number re-direct to me, but the whole lost service thing was totally my fault. I processed the "pink" reminder/disconnection notice and then it got lost among the clutter of my mind.

Okay so that said. I have a note stuck to my computer that says........"PAY THE DAMN BILLS TODAY BEFORE THE S*** HITS THE FAN!!!!! I wrote it last night...because I thought about it on my way to bed and knew I wouldn't think about it this morning on my own and now that I've sufficiently sidetracked myself with blogging this morning I should actually pay the noted bills before I forget - again. I guess that means before I can do that I have to actualy go track down the bills so I know who and how much I have to pay them. My "paper" files are, sadly, in worse condition that my "mental" files. I need HELP!!!!

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