Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!
Sixteen!!! Sixteen!!! Sixteen??? How? When? Wow!!!!
It's still shocking to me that Aarica is 16 years old (and shocking that I could have a daughter that is 16). She is growing up...way up...and is now taller than me - way taller. She has a deep love of life and lives it out loud each and every day. Sweet and kind and caring - when she wants to be, but a bit snarky and very much a teen at other times. She's had quite the year. Last spring she played on a soccer team and it was a great experience. Over the summer she refused to go to camp and insisted she wanted to stay home and work with dad...and that's just what she did.....and she worked hard! In August she took a trip of a lifetime across the country to Kelowna with her brother by plane to spend a week with her Aunty Sue, Uncle Grant and her baby cousin who she loves sooo much. September was a huge transition into the highschool and she has made the move to this new environment amazingly well. Always the social butterfly, she's trying hard to fit into highschool life and even entered the talent show durring Spirit Week (without the knowledge of her support staff) and got up onstage and sang for the whole school. She's always loved music but has recently discovered the world of kareoke and the house hasn't been quiet since. She bowled this past year in the Special O league and had a great time and did really well - we are proud of her. Sweet 16! Bitter sweet in someways but so sweet in others. Aarica is growing up to be a beautiful young woman...but she will always be my BabyGirl!
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