Thursday, May 29, 2008

Six Degrees of Seperation - Blog Style

Oh how fun this blogging stuff is. I'm truely loving it. Not just the random ramblings of my own posts but reading blogs of other blog is just plain boring and only two people actually read it (hi carrie & kat). Some of the blogs I visit often are listed on the side and since I'm on the low end of the learning curve of blogging, I haven't added many. A few of them are my friends blogs, there are a couple scrapping/CTMH related blogs, one by a mom with a handful of kids where I go to hear about the truely insane things she goes through in a day so my life doesn't seem so oddly bizzare and a couple are blogs I've come across while doing some research on advocating effectively for my kid(s). In my favorites folder though are a dozen or so more blogs that I've come across in different ways. Most are from links on other blog sidebars but a week or so ago I clicked the "Next Blog" button at the top of my page and just randomly came across a few really interesting blogs - like one by a young girl, out of college for the summer who is now in Europe on a summer school course focussing on Art History and Photography. She's having a great time and I'm getting to live vicariously through her and see some beautiful pictures of old world archetecture in the form of castles and churches that I know I will never see in person. Another one I came across was a blog created by family and friends of a young fellow in NewYork. He was in an accident in early May and has been in ICU for weeks. The blog is basically a way for all his friends around the world to pop in and post messages to him. This guy has touched a whole lot of peoples lives in such a postitive way I wanted to learn more about him so I clicked over to his own personal blog, Hello Human and then to his website. In doing so I have discovered a wonderfully talented artist and very interesting person who has quite a reputation and has had a few of his paintings used on sets of TV shows and even in the homes on Extreme Home Makeover. HOW COOL! I googled his name in the hunt for his calendar that was published and is available through barnes and noble and came across prints of his work for sale at If I'm really frugal and save my pennies I might even purchase a print or two. Check out his work.

Here's where I get to the 'six degrees' part. While over at Dawn Meehan's blog Because I Said So yesterday, I clicked on a few of links on her sidebar to check them out (because it's what I do). I've gotten some really good links from that site including another personal fav by a homeschooling mom of 6....the SuburbanCorrespondant regularly thrills me with anecdotes of parenting not only a large number of children but one rather snarly teenage daughter. oh how i can relate!. Many of the links from Dawn's though are blogs or care pages of terminally ill or extremely disabled children. One inparticular, that I spent a good part of the afternoon reading through is that of a little girl named Rylee who has a very debillitating disease and her parents work way harder at providing care for her in their home than they need to (fighting for gov't services etc) and at one point in a recent post there is a picture of their living room and on the wall behind their sofa is this gorgeous picture that I was immediately drawn to and recognized as being by the artist I mentioned above. I don't think I would have noticed it had I not spent time browsing his art work a few days earlier. Ironically this family has put together an application tape to send to Extreme Home Make Over in the hopes that Ty and his crew will help them transform their lovely home into one that is more accessible for their young daughter who is getting big enough now that she will soon be requiring a wheelchair rather than the specially designed strollers and such that they currently have. I'm hoping it's a sign - that sign painting on their wall, that good things will come to them and Extreme Home Make Over will come knocking on their door one day soon. I know it's a dream of mine that they will help me with my house....but that's just a dream (who doesn't dream of Ty Pennington waking them up in the early morning hours....bullhorn or not). Some people just really do need their help more than I do and for way more important reasons.

Try clicking on the "next blog" button and seeing where it takes you today. You never know what interesting things lay just beyond the page you are currently reading.


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