Well it's at the top of most of my lists anyday but today is laundry of a different sort.
Dance costume laundry.
Oh the stress. Do you know how scarey it is to put dance costumes in the washing machine?
Because what happens if the washing machine eats them (don't laugh...it's happened)
But before I could even get the dance laundry into the washer I had to switch the load that was in the washer into the dryer and before I could do that I had to turn the dryer back on to fluff up and unwrinkle what was sitting in there from yesterday.....because that's just how I roll with laundry. It's one of my quirks. I hate wrinkles...... in my clothes. Not particularly fond of the ones around my eyes either but I don't think tossing myself in the dryer will even those out.
I push the button.
Nothing happened.
I push the button again.
Again nothing.
Well doesn't that just plain suck.
Breaker's fine. Dryer's not.
Just so happens, when friends of ours moved last fall they dropped their old dryer off at our place (because my backyard is a graveyard of old appliances....hope the price of metal goes up soon because now that all the snow is gone it's just plain ugly out there).
Next thing I know Al's hauling said old dryer into the house and I'm thinking....Really? You expect a dryer that's been sitting outside for nine months to actually work?
But you know what.
It does......and I'm so damn happy.
I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am.
Earth Day or not I am just not the kind of person who can live with drying clothes on a laundry line because even if I dry them on the line, they still have to go into the dryer for a few minutes after they come off the line. Another quirk.
So after having visions of line drying pre-road trip laundry.....or more than likely hauling a couple loads to town and either tossing a couple bucks into one of the jumbo dryers at the laundry-mat or using my mom's dryer - crisis averted. Whooo hoo!
And now, the shirts, blouses and slips for dancing are in the washing machine and I'm a nervous wreck.
I did find all the pieces for the new blouse I'd started to make Emily last year and never got a chance to finish. The trim is all attached and the body is together and the sleeves are ready to attach. All it needs is the neck piece pinned on and if I had three functioning brain cells I could probably whip up a finished blouse in about an hour (give or take four) but something tells me, if I haven't finished the damn thing in over a year, I'm not going to get it done in the next day.....so she will wear her old one, that's a touch on the small side, and has a slight tear in one shoulder (where the washing machine tried to eat it).
I also found the shirt I have for Owen that just needs trim....but I don't have any 'boy' trim in the house and I don't think I could get away with 'girl' trim so I guess he will wear Garrett's shirt again this weekend. Eventually though we are going to have to return it because one day this little guy is going be big enough to fit his daddy's old dance shirt.

Time to go check on the items in the washing machine. Oh please let them all be in one piece. I can't take anymore laundry chaos today.
Or any chaos.
When the kids get home they have to try everything on before I pack it up. I sure hope everything fits......but I have a feeling Owen's sash is going to be ifffy.
Note to self.....self.....don't forget to pick up a pack of safety pins.....I think we are going to need them.
1 comment:
That is one darn cute little boy. Maybe I'm biased, but oh well.
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