My blog posts this week have been a little on the cranky side.
Heavy on the tears some days, a wee bit of complaining others (stupid house), a tiny bit of stress with the whole employment, crazy-busy-life & quitting smoking stuff so today I'm going in a different direction.
With a little bit of fun.
I've been tagged by my friend Kat who has instructed me to complete the following task.
Go to the photos folder on your computer.
Go to the seventh folder of photos.
Go to the seventh photo.
Put the seventh photo on your blog along with a description.
Invite seven friends to join.
My computer is just about as full of chaos and confusion as my life is so there are photos in various places but this is what I came up with. I'm terrible at following directions too and really didn't want to post this picture because it's so aweful but then I thought - what the heck, it has a story behind it so post it anyway.
Judging by the other photos in the folder, I'm assuming this picture was taken sometime during the Canada Day long weekend in '07. We'd gone to watch the fireworks from the hill by the harbour and afterwards, as we were walking back to the van the kids stopped to climb on the Viking Statue. I'm guessing the batteries in my camera were coming to the end of their life and add to that the cool weather and a pretty good chance I had the camera on the wrong 'setting' and you get really poor picture quality.
I'd tag 7 friends but I don't have 7 friends (that blog) so I'm going to tag Carrie and because I just found out my sis has a brand new blog I'm tagging Yo and then anyone else who wants to play along...consider yourself tagged too.
And that's my fun post for this beautiful Friday morning.
Have a great Friday. I'm off to clean the house and torture children by making them help....because isn't that what all children want to do on their spring break?
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