Thursday, April 02, 2009

I quit - NOT

There are a bunch of us who planned to quit smoking on the 1st of April.

I wonder how everyone else is doing because I totally quit quitting before I even started.

What was I thinking? Quitting smoking the week the kids are on spring break. That's got to be the stupid idea ever thought of.

Seriously didn't think that one through AT ALL.

For everyone's safety I decided I wasn't even going to make the attempt until they went back to school next week. I'm fairly certain at least 1 if not more of them wouldn't make it out of here alive.

I'd love to pay $200 and go through a laser treatment / detox program. A friend of mine did it 8 weeks ago and said it was a great way to do it and worth every penny. Unfortunately I will be once again trying the patch. I've had a box for a couple weeks already and I was planning on April 1st as my quit day but they will sit in the cupboard for a few more days and on Monday morning I will slap on a patch and I will quit! I will do it!

The last time I tried this, I went about 6 days before I lost my mind couldn't take it anymore. My hubby did way better than I did and he hasn't smoked since the 3rd of October '07. I'm so jealous. I want to quit so bad and yet part of me is hanging onto this one thing in my life that keeps me sane in all this insanity.

But it's time.


I will.

I have to.

I can.

But I'm scared!


1 comment:

Yo said...

Much nicer with the smaller picture Kirsten. I imagine trying to quit smoking is real hard. But you can do it kiddo. You are an AMAZING person. I love and admire you alot. I started a blog...