Wednesday, April 08, 2009

*I Wonder Why?* Wednesday

I wonder why........

it's Wednesday already.

Where does the time go?

And believe me I know all about Mickey's big hand and Mickey's little hand and how time there is no need to leave me a comment on the concept of the passage of hours, minutes & seconds....although you could if you wanted to. It'll give me something to read later.

My sis posted on her blog yesterday about all the things she thought about doing. She's either wanting to do nothing or wanting to do a million things all at once and feels like she's on an ever spinning wheel.

Oh boy... I can relate to that!

I can think of a million things I want to do and I want to do them all right now but first I have to do a half a million other things before I can get to the ones I want to do. Most days I barely get through the things I have to do (like grocery shopping yesterday ---- it took FOREVER!) and never get to the want part of the list. An extra twist to my spinning wheel is that I get sidetracked....easily....while doing something (like looking for a picture of a Mickey Mouse Watch to add to this post) and end up doing something else (like reading a couple pages of a quirky little blog I came across while looking for said picture).

Focus Woman or you'll never get half of your million and a half things on your I thought of doing list done.

Reading over what I've written so far, I thought of adding a little pic of a calendar to this post too but I'll never get anything done if I try looking for a cool image for that thought. So.....this post shall remain picture-less unless you want to see more cute baby pictures...because I could seriously look at those all day. They make me happy......and sidetracked.

Best to just go get to work on my list.

Have a *Wonder*ful Wednesday everyone!



Jeff Burson said...

kirsten -
thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. I have not got to post for a while since almost meeting the Final Taxi myself with health issues.
I am better now and hope to start back in swing with people who have taken that Final Taxi ride or bizarre death rites.

I love the 'Wonder why Wednesdays!'

Yo said...

Preach it,sister!!!!
I'm 100% on board with the sidetracked thing!