Friday, April 24, 2009

I'm out

of my mind. Completely.

Not quite yet out of my house.

There's still some last minute packing to do.....but not before I have my morning coffee and blog fix. All work and no play makes me.......cranky and nobody wants a cranky me on a 3 hour road-trip.

We're a little off schedule this morning. A snarky teen....who spent the last 24 hours insisting she was NOT coming with us helped achieve this. Her attitude has been adjusted.

But, since we don't really have to be there till 8am tomorrow morning I guess our schedule is flexible.

That is of course unless the wavepool/waterslide that has been the object of much anticipation has really crappy hours and we'd thought it might be possible to arrive there intime to make use of the 11:30am - 1pm Family swim time this morning. Since that would have required leaving the house over an hour ago that is most definately NOT going to happen so now my children, who have been looking forward to pool time (and our hotel does not have one of it's own....but is directly across the street from said public pool for all the good that does us) will have a wonderful 2 hours all weekend to swim - from 7-9pm tonight. Oh boy!

Saturday's 'pool hours' do not coordinate with out schedule at all as the only public times available are from 1:30-7 and we will be dancing between those 2 hours is all they get. At least we are lucky enough to not have dances between 7 and 9 tonight....unlike some families. Talk about disapointment.

Anyway, the reason we are going is for the dancing and there will be plenty of that to watch.

Have a great weekend. I'll be back late Saturday night or sometime Sunday - we haven't decided yet if that 2nd night in the hotel at $111 a night is do-able. Either way....I will be back with plenty of pictures to share.

Oh darn. Forgot to empty the card in my camera. Better go do that and pack the extra batteries too.


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