Thursday, April 16, 2009

Well lookie that - I lost a week

A whole week without a post. It's like I dropped off the planet. Oh how I wish!

I didn't though. I'm still here.

Still here in body -although I did loose myself amongst the clutter of this house for a brief period of time....thanks for sending a search party!

Still here in mind too ........ but not by much.

I noticed I started a couple posts on the weekend but apparently I didn't finish any of them. I just reread one of them and maybe that's a good thing. One should not blog while under the influence of Benadryl All-In-One Cold and Flu....nighttime edition (I skipped the daytime version and went straight for the hard stuff). That post was a bit over the top rambling-wise even for me.

When asked why I hadn't written a new post lately I thought, I don't have much to say.

But really.

I'm not lacking for material to blog about.

How can I be.

So much is going on right now....what with things SUCKING so bad lately. I could surely ramble on about that. Or how badly I'm doing with this whole quitting smoking thing. Then there is the sudden arrival of spring complete with flooding like I've never seen. My camera has been in overdrive the past 3 days as I take picture after picture of the normally tiny creek in my back yard turning into an angry rushing river. The frusterating antics of the teen drama queen who has done some way stupid things the past couple days that made my head spin round would make for good blogging as would the wonderful spring ritual of parent/teacher conferences at school last night.

Oh ya. I do not lack for material. Just the brain power. Evil head cold!



Carrie Gottfried said...

What a tease this post was......

Yo said...

I've missed you!