Awhile back someone sent me an email with a link to an ebay auction.
It was the funniest thing I'd read in ages....given that at the time the extent of my reading involved Blues Clues board books and Junie B Jones chapter books.
I've since graduated to listening to Grade 1 home reading books (tonight it was True or False - Finding Out About Newfoundland Dogs) or the latest FlyGuy or Frog and Toad book, listening to play-by-play chapter updates of Clarice Bean or any number of books with a newspaper reporter mouse that I can't for the life of me remember the name of at the moment plus I've been reading grown-up books too.....Jodi Picoult being my author of choice at the moment.
Mostly though I read blogs - because the "chapters" are ever evolving and I get glimps into the lives and thoughts of other mom-blogger's (and dad-blogger's too) and my world doesn't seem so bizzare....or at least I don't feel so alone in my bizzare-ness.
One of the first blogs I became addicted to is Because I Said So by mom-blogger Dawn and she was also the owner of the extremely funny ebay auction that I read awhile back. The reaction to that auction was incredible - so much so that it resulted in her blog becoming a huge hit and she began writing a book.
I've been waiting for the release of that book for ages - and then some because the release date was pushed back a few this spring! Finally the book is getting ready to launch and as Dawn writes in this post on her blog , she is auctioning off the first copy of her first book on ebay with half of the proceeds of the auction going to charity.
I'm not an ebay buyer (unlike some people I know) but if I won the lottery I would so bid on that ebay auction.....and since this is my little dream world and I can pretty much do what I wish with my imaginary lottery winnings, I'd also hop on a plane and attend the launch of her book in Chicago -well....probably not since I'm pretty sure I lack the necessary paperwork to actually cross the border into the US, but it's not like I'm winning the lottery and making this at all possible anyway.
This is fun. Wonder what other things I can come up with to spend my pretend winnings on.
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