Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Something Else I'd Spend My Lottery Winnings On

My spending spree continues.

I was thinking a whole new wardrobe complete with new shoes that don't hurt my feet was next on my shopping list but alas.....

That will have to wait.

There are other more pressing things that need my lottery winnings attention.

Wait for it.

Wait for it.

You ready?

Bowling. That's what I'd spend money on. Now ultimately Al would like to buy the bowling centre but much does he think we are winning here. I've already spent a fortune on a new house and furnishings...... and a book..... and a trip to Chicago.

Seriously though, it would be sweet to win this Friday's Super7 because oh how we would love to pay for an upcoming trip to Toronto (although it's scrapbook weekend so how could I possibly go) but there are 4 boys and their families that I would so love to foot the bill for.

Last weekend one of the teams that Al's been coaching at bowling were in the Provincial 4 player scratch team tournament.......and the little brats WON!!!

Being low coach on the totem pole, Al wasn't with them at the Provincials (he stayed home to run regular house-league while the other coaches took the 4 player team and 3 of our other bowlers who were in Provincial Singles tournaments that day as well) but he's so proud of 'his boys'.

They are off to Nationals in Toronto May 2, 3 & 4!

Them winning is awesome and we are so proud of them but.....

it's sure stirred up some issues. Money issues.

This trip is going to cost huge huge bucks baby and the families of these boys are scrambling. Some more than others but all of them are scrambling in some way because this isn't going to be a cheap weekend.

The flight costs for the 4 boys are covered by YouthBowlingCanada but that's it. Hotel rooms for 4-5 days, plus food and transportation is all the responsibility of the parents. Have I mentioned this isn't going to be cheap?

So, winning the lottery this weekend is a long shot and in the mean time it looks like we as a bowling league will be scrambling in the next few weeks to pull together some fundraising event(s) to help these families with the costs associated with this trip. Anyone have any ideas?


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