Thursday, March 12, 2009

can you feel the love

What would I do without those closest to me?

Well for starters I probably wouldn't have this twitch in my left eye.

Let's examine their "love" for me shall we.

So I applied for a job. I touched up my resume and I look pretty good on paper. What I lack in experience I make up for in experiences. What I lack in employment I make up for in self-employment.

I get a call for an interview with a request to bring in references. D'oh!

The "references" thing is something I was lacking. Face it. I'm an office of one. I don't have alot of contact with people through work - all people know is they put their garbage out and it's magically disappears. Not something "reference worthy". Who could I use as references? Think Think Think.

I finally came up with 3 people who I thought - okay - theses people know me (some more than others) and after asking permission from the three I got reactions ranging from "absolutely" to "okay but it will cost you" (cuz my friends love me like that).

After the interview I'm feeling okay. A little shell-shocked with the whole ordeal but pretty good about how it went.

This past week I've been torn between waiting for the phone to ring and afraid to pick up the mail fearing a letter saying I've been cut from the pack.

Then I get a text message (which wasn't supposed to come to my phone - it was meant for Al's phone) saying "if she gets the job she's going to owe me" and I become a nervous wreck. A little while later I get another text message from another of my 3 references saying she'd just got off the phone with the woman from The Job. Okay. Now I'm a complete nervous wreck. It appears my references are being contacted. People are talking about me. That's not stressful AT ALL. I saw my 3rd reference today and she's been playing telephone tag with the woman from The Job. Oye. I'm beyond nervous, but it's a good sign so I'm happy happy happy.

Still no word from The Job but I did get a glimps into one of the conversations regarding my reference. I didn't ask what was asked or what was said. I just don't want to know at this point but my ever funny, sarcastic friend did fill me in on a few tid-bits from her conversation with the woman from The Job. It just so happens she went to school with her so after they'd finished talking this woman asked if there was anything else my reference wanted to say and what did she come up with as a reply.....

she makes a funny and says..... (remember she knows the woman who interviewed me)
. "so I guess this isn't the part where I tell you about her pound a day crack habit huh?"

Great! Make jokes about me. Cuz that's what I'm here for. Your entertainment pleasure.

and for the record she was JOKING. Pack a day cigarette habit - yes. Epicure Belgum Chocolate Canadian Maple chips addiction - yes. Crack - NOT! She was just being her witty self. Hope witty works. Personally I'm thinking she just doesn't want me to get this job so I'll sit at home and blog all day so that she has something to read at work.
. *hey you...yes you......i know you are there reading this.....get back to work!*

I wonder what other things (witty or not) the other 2 said about me.

I'm feeling the love I tell ya.

Then tonight, as I'm watching the latest episode of ER (only 3 more left.....*sigh*) and for anyone that hasn't seen it yet and doesn't want to know what happens I won't go into too much detail but during the episode a grandmother is faced with the decission to give permission to donate her grandson's organs. The producers/writers etc did an awesome job with this story line in my opinion.

Anyway. I turned to Al at one point and said.....

"YES! Given that situation......your answer to the doctors is YES! "

and I'm thinking - profound, deep moment here. Making my wishes known to my next of kin (not that I'm not sure he knew them without this conversation anyway but it's always good to clarify things once inawhile)

and he looks at me - with absolute seriousness in his voice (should have known some smartass comment would come out of his mouth....but I didn't)

in a pretend conversation with a doctor my husband says......


"But Sir, are you absolutely certain this is what you want. She only has a cold"

to which he replys


UGH! Jackass!

Now you will excuse me. I need to go take some Advil for my migraine and get a warm cloth for this twitch in my eye. It's good to be loved.



Maddy said...

Oh gosh! Stress or what. No wonder you have a twitch and a migraine. Hope you're not left hanging too long.

Yo said...

hi sis...just so you know, I'm now a loyal follower. Still working on the back issues. I'm at the 25th anniversary (how can it have been SOOOO long ago) of the Gimli Glider. I LOVE YOUR RAMBLIN...I mean writing!!!!
Love you to pieces!

Carrie Gottfried said...

I'm a little insulted about the comment of me not wanting you to get the job. I hope nothing but the best for you. But I do have to admit, you do give me something to look forward to doing on those quiet days at work. And you make me and Lori laugh.