Welcome to the first edition of a little game called *I Wonder Why?*
It's a new game. I made it up yesterday while doing a little house-maintenance....aka cleaning.
Actually, it's not really new because it's something I play quite often. It usually involves some bizzare activity my children have done or something I've found that doesn't quite belong. Optional names were What would possess you to do that Wednesday and WTF Wednesday - the first was too wordy, the second well.... I'm trying to control my temper these days so I went with *I Wonder Why?*
Now on with the game.
I wonder why........

Now you might not find this something to wonder about. After all it is accompanied by it's friend the PB and at first glance it appears quite normal.
And you wouldn't be wrong.
If it weren't for the fact that this particular open jar of jam also has other friends

That's right. Not ONE but TWO other jars of jam ---- the exact same jam even, both open and both half empty in the cupboard.
WHY? Why can't the children see them? They are right there. They aren't a figment of my imagination are they? You can see them right?
This is also a common theme of other items in the kitchen such as

I just threw out an empty bottle a couple days ago and there's another one that still has a tiny bit left in it and yet this bottle of ketchup is 2/3 gone so it's not like it was opened yesterday.....even if it is a major foodgroup they don't go through a bottle THAT fast.
Why open a new bottle or jar or box or container if there is one already open?
Other wonders of the day included.....Why are there 4 dishtowels in my daughters' room? Do they do dishes in their sleep? Highly unlikely. They don't particularly care for doing them when they are awake.
WE have very similar questions around here, along with all the empty packets in the cupboards.
Oh let me play, let me play...
I wonder why there are 3..that's right 3 rolls of toilet paper sitting on my vanity in the bathroom and the toilet paper holder remains empty?
I wonder why there are 5 rolls of toothpaste on the go right now in my bathroom and all but one (MINE!) had been squeezed in the middle?
I wonder why there is a pile of laundry sitting on my bathroom floor right beside the laundry hamper?
I'm sensing a theme here, perhaps that my life is filled with crappy things?...maybe I should post this on my own blog LOL
So many of life's big questions go unanswered...
Nice meeting you!
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