Saturday, March 14, 2009

What to do. What to do. It's quite a pickle I'm in.

It's funny how things I read on other people's blogs jog my poor poor sad excuse of a memory and I remember either things I forgot to do or things I forgot I had wanted to write a post about - or both.

This is one of those posts. It's a post where I rant about our social worker.

Occasionally I have this fear that because I haven't changed the names of my children or that because I've posted too much information about us and some whack-a-doodle will track us down but I'm not really worried about that. I'm more worried someone I know will find this blog and tell our social worker I think she's a shmuck.....not that it's not a popular opinion around here with anyone who has the thrilling fortune to be on her case load but still, it's an opinion I'm occasionally not sure I'd want her to know. But on the other hand. I don't give a damn. The woman is a shmuck.

General consensus from a few people I've talked to about her is that we only hear from her in April. You know. Budget month. Well, it's almost April darlings and that means she should be making her annual telephone call to me any time now to let me know how little of my respite budget money I spent last year (lack of suitable respite workers will do that to a budget.....see how she's saving the govt' money) and I'll bet anyone a buck she asks if Aarica wants to go to camp this summer (easy way to spend my entire respite budget in one lump sum making much less work for her) and she might even get around to asking what grade Aarica's in and how she's is doing in school....only she will pronounce Aarica's name wrong - no wait, it's MY name she pronounces wrong or is it both. I dont' know. It's been almost a year.

As you can tell, she's not my favorite person and since Aarica is getting very very close to being turfed out of the Childrens Special Services department and handed over like the name on a file folder that she is to the Adult Services department, I'd kind of planned on just riding out the next year of our sentence...I mean time with CSS and this social worker until we were assigned someone from Adult Services.

I actually received a letter in early February from someone higher up in the social worker food chain (who just happens to have been our social worker for about a year, many many years ago) regarding Adult Services. I really should find that letter. I know it's around here in this mess somewhere. The letter states that Aarica has been "approved" (because what...they were expecting her to miraculously not need services overnight) and her case has been assigned to Adult Services for intake and our new social worker would be contacting us within 10 days of the date of the letter which was January 30th.

It's almost the middle of March and I've suddenly realized, I still haven't heard from anyone regarding this letter and I should really call about it. After-all, I am supposed to be an advocate for my daughter and keep on top of these things. Our "new" social worker is getting off to a wonderful start. She's right on top of her paperwork/follow-up telephone calls in much the same manner as our "old" social worker. Amazing. It's like they are the same person.

And do you want to know why?

Here comes the kicker.

It's Un-freaking-believable.

Because it's the same damn woman!!!! ARGH!!!!!! Somebody just kill me now!

What to do. What to do. Do I call the social worker or go over her head and contact her supervisor who'd sent the letter in the first place? It's quite the pickle.


1 comment:

Yo said...

I think you need to pack up your family and move to another district!