So now I'm holding 12 sheets of pictures in my hands valued at $80 and I'm thinking I should just revolt and return them all.....but they are sooooo good. Genius marketing plan Lifetouch.

It's not just these pictures either. Every week it's something. School is sucking the money right out of me. Yesterday Emily wanted $10 to buy daffodils at school. Request denied. Granted this is a fundraiser (I believe for CancerCare) but jimmineycrickets. Today it was money for pizza lunch - the kids get one hot ? meal served a month at school - also a fundraiser for the parent council. Again- request denied. I'm tapped out people. Tapped out!
Too bad I'm not going to be able to deny a couple other recent requests....for things like shoes or jeans. Who needs the government to stimulate the economy.....my growning kids are doing a darn fine job of it all on their own. Next thing you know they are going to want to eat too.
Somehow I managed to trim the food budget enough to actually make the first payment on our van this week. The extra $290 I didn't spend in groceries on the first Tuesday of the month has been missed though. We are scraping the bottom of the pantry for anything edible. It's a good thing I can go shopping tomorrow for groceries because if there isn't a box of granola bars in the house soon there might be a coup.
Ugh! I am similarly situated, however, two of the photographs are great and the other one......not good. So I let the moths out of my purse and buy three sets or put a padlock on it and don't buy any?
That was my situation with fall pics Maddy. 3 were great, 1 not so much....only the one's I wasn't crazy about didnt' all make it home - TheGirl handed out a bunch to friends. So instead of returning them and getting them retaken I ended up having to pay for the not so great pics.
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