Sunday, March 08, 2009

Saved by the Midnight-Blogger

Don't ever let anyone tell you being a night owl (or having one in the family.... Owen would stay up ALL night if we let him) or sitting up past midnight doing something as silly as blogging or reading blogs can't be a good thing. O was being all night-owl-ish on Friday night and I was sitting up playing online so we were both awake and in or near the living room and we were able to save the life of the newest member of this household....which would be Nibblet or Nibble-It.

Once upon a time, Al and I had a hamster. We were living in an apartment in the city with two cats and something possessed us to get one. As hamsters go - Houdini ROCKED. He really was cool. We could let him out of his cage (supervised) and he would wander on the floor between need for one of those hamster ball things plus and he terrified our pathetic excuses for cats. One couldn't care less that there was a rodent loose in the apartment and the other was...well....quite frankly he was afraid of the little thing - especially if it dared touch his paws. Too Funny! Anyway he got his name Houdini because a) Al picked it and b) he always looked like he was doing death defying hanging tricks off the top rungs of his cage and looked like he was attempting to escape. Well let me tell you Houdini had nothing on Nibble-It. That little bugger has figured out how to escape!

I'm serious. Around 12:30 Saturday morning, Owen calls to me from his perch on the couch and says....."He's opening the door of the cage mom! " I'm thinking "Ya Right" but went in to see what Nibble-It was doing and just as I got close to his cage "pop" there went the latch and sure enough he'd gotten it open and was in the process of pushing his fat little body (he's gained some serious weight in the last two weeks I'm sure) past the hatch. I quickly pushed him back into the cage and O stood guard, holding the door closed while I frantically tried to think think think of something, anything to keep the door shut - something he couldn't nibble through. I ended up putting a binder ring through the door and around the wire bars of his cage and now he is effectively padlocked inside the cage....for now.

I don't even want to think what Saturday morning would have been like if we'd both been in bed and hadn't caught on to his little trick when we did. Princess Em would have been very upset to find an empty cage and if the cats hadn't found Nibble-It, I'm not sure we ever would have. This house has way too many hiding spots a little critter like that could get into.

I'm still jumpy that he will find yet another escape route though and I'm thinking we may need to get a different cage. Maybe we should be re-naming him too because Houdini seems a more fitting name for this little escape artist.

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