via text message ---- "You should update your blog. I need something to read."
Getting right on that.
Cuz I aim to please.
Actually I've been trying to get to it for days now but that whole mountain of paperwork/laundry/errand running/financial crisis thing just keeps getting in the way.
I know. I know.
Some peoples' priorities are just not in the right place. I'll try to do better.
So tonight, I'm cozy in my jammies after a long and stressful couple days and I'm going to update both of my blogs. (i hope)
What's new? Hmmmm
Couple new additions to the family.
Al's niece.....Baby Sarah -
who slept in a laundry basket for 2 days. LOVE IT! Made me remember the weeks after Aarica was born. We spent alot of time at gramma's ceramic shop and didn't have a stroller yet so Aarica would nap in a banana box. I should dig up those pics.

Of significantly less importance is the addition of a new pet to our household. We aquired a hamster cage many months ago and finally went to the city to get a critter to put in it.
He's cute and has only been briefly lost once behind the couch but I wasn't even sure he was going to make it home from the city.
Honestly. What kind of idiot thinks a small thin box is going to contain something with teeth like that? We'd picked out the critter and made a quick stop at two stores so Ty could get a playstation game and Al could get a pair of jeans with his birthday gift card - 20mins tops. Well in those 20 minutes the chewing was of epic proportion and I knew there was no way that box would last another hour ride home so I did what any good mom would do and made a sacrifice.
I dumped the contents of my beloved purse into a bag and put the box with the ever growing sunroof into it and zipped it up. 5minutes later the little $10 critter was merrily munching on the INSIDE of my $50 purse. *sigh* Nothing a needle and thread can't fix and Emily is thrilled to bits with Nibblet.

1 comment:
Hmm not as destructive as dogs mind you. As for babies in laundry baskets I distinctly remember putting mine to sleep in the base of a shower unit as it was the only safe place at the time.
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